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I walked into my english classroom, not expecting the so called 'Playboy' Brian sitting next to my spot I quietly sat next to him, I pretended like I didn't see him I saw Hoshi and Jihyo in the hallway waving to me, I smiled standing up and to walk out the door, Something.. more like someone had hold of my arm "Stay" I again stared at him blankly and shook my way out of his grip before walking out of the classroom

"what was that about" Hoshi asked wiggling his eye brows "I don't know actually" I explained "Soonyoung!" Hoshi's eyes widened making me and Jihyo laugh "Hey Minah" he smiled as she clung onto his arm "how come you never answered my text this morning" "I was busy sorry" "you never answered me last night either" she pouted, I looked over at Jihyo with a 'is she serious right now' look I didn't realize the bell was about to ring until I was pulled into my classroom

I stared blankly at him as the bell went off "take a picture it lasts longer" he winked making me flush red I removed my hand from his grip and sitting down in my seat

I didn't get any sleep the night before so I myself was tired as hell so I wasn't paying attention that much well that was until I heard my name "Jae and Younghyun" My head shot up "whos Younghyun?" I whispered to myself looking around "look behind you" A familiar voice said I turned around and came face to face with the purple haired male

"why do you always stare at me like your confused" he asked I didn't respond I just stared at him "you're kinda cute when you do that" he said obviously trying to get me to react "I'm not cute I'm tired" I said leaning foreword and resting my head on my arms "you're gonna fuck up your neck" he chuckled  "how" "just rest your head on my shoulder" he said "no we need to work what even is this project" "its about love" I froze I looked around the room, the room was paired Boy Girl, a few Boy Boy & Girl Girl. "wait what" I choked "yeah we'll have to work on this after school to so I can explain don't I?" I nodded

the bell rung, it was the end of 6th period my phone buzzed



Joy_Full: god what did he do this time

Bunhyo: hes making the worst choice ever thats what he did


Jaeschicken: sigh
i didn't do anything


Jaeschicken: yes for a project!!

Bunhyo:yeah a writing project abt being in love
sigh what have you done

jaeschicken: um I didn't choose to be his partner
I have to go Brians waiting on me

Bunhyo: whatever

Joy_Full: Jae be careful around him okay

Jaeschicken:what do you have against him anyway?!

Bunhyo:... alot of things

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