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Brian Kang
minor trigger warning

"you look so cute" I smiled at Jae who was wearing a chicken onsie (a/n Brian got him it for xmas) "shut up" he blushed as I walked over to him wrapping my arms around his waist pecking his lips

"I'm not kidding you look adorable" I smiled holding his cheek in my hand rubbing our noses together

I let the younger cuddle into me on the couch while we watched a movie, I looked over my eyes locking with Jaes

I leaned in, his eyes fluttered shut followed by mine, I stopped to tease him, we were inches apart "stop teasing me" he whined making me smile

"Jae" I whispered opening my eyes "Jae open your eyes and look at me" I smiled as his eyes fluttered open "I love you" I whispered pressing a kiss on his lips "I love you too" he smiled back wrapping his arms around my neck and snuggling into my neck, I hugged him tightly pressing a kiss onto his forehead "you're warm" "you're cute" i mumbled pulling him up onto my lap laying down

"Jae" I whispered, no response "angel are you asleep?" I whispered again, soon smiling when i realized he was asleep "wake up" I whispered shaking him slightly which surprisingly woke him up "c'mon lets go to bed" I said sitting up "I can't carry you" I chuckled lifting the older males face, I smiled at the cute sight of my half asleep boyfriend "cmon" I groaned moving him off my lap and standing up

"god you're stubborn" I sighed pulling him up "Jae cmon its three am lets go im not carrying you up the stairs" I said taking his hand "I'll be up in a minute I'm kinda dizzy" he mumbled, I walked over to him telling him to sit down as I went to get him water

"You need to stay hydrated" I told him feeling his forehead "have you eaten?" he nodded his head in response, he seemed hesitant which worried me "are you sure?" he didn't respond "Jae.. when was the last time you ate?" he shrugged I felt my eyes water up "I.. Jae are you.." I trailed off, he slowly nodded his head

"how long" "last time I ate was a few days ago.. I'm not sure" I looked over at him "w-why" I studdered as a tear fell from my eye he didn't answer "I don't want to see you starve yourself" I sobbed looking over at him

"I love you to much, I care about you to much to see you starve youself or hurt yourself in anyway I feel like shit for not realizing or noticing that you haven't eaten anything" I sobbed harder

"Brian I love you to much to see you cry, to see you hurting because of stupid things I'm doing to myself, I love you to much t-" I cut him off pressing my lips on his for a few seconds

"please dont starve yourself anymore" I whispered tears still rolling down my face he smiled softly "I'll try" he whispered snuggling his face into my neck "can we go up to bed" he asked I nodded pulling him up the stairs

his face snuggled into my neck "I don't know what I would do without you" I said quietly hugging him tighter I felt him smile "you mean absolutely everything to me" I mumbled kissing his head "I love you" he mumbled snuggling in closer to Me I smiled kissing his head before mumbling a quick 'I love you  too' before holding onto him tighter as i heard soft snores

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