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Oh my god

She looked at me shocked "oh my god" she smiled "Jae you remember how I always told you about my neighbor I used to hang out with when I was younger until he moved in middle school?" Jae shook his head then stopped "oh my god I'm dating him" he said looking over

Sumin fell down laughing, the other girls just stood there giggling "you already know Chaewon she went to our school she was the younger one who showed up in our English class at random times"

"She's the little shit that switched yours and that kids bag that one day" I looked over glaring at her and he giggling self "see your the jokester of the bunch?" She smiled proudly nodding her head "well looks like we're gonna get along you'll learn a few things from me here and there"

"I bet she will" an all too familiar voice said, I stood up looking over


"Can't forget about the horrible prank you pulled on me" she said, Jae looked confused at me I didn't know what she was talking about "you forgot didn't you that's like you"


"Sophomore year you called me up to the office, you had the whole office involved especially my parents, you told me I was suspended"

I then smiled remembering the old prank "ah yes I remember now"

"That's why you hated him? Over a dumb prank?"

Jihyo nodded my head "yeah because I thought that would go on my record"

"You never were a good student" Chaewon said giggling "oh can it" Jihyo laughed as the four girls ran off into the game room

We all hung out laughing off the pettiness of our highschool years and rebounding our friendship

Brian's arms around me "hey are Soonyoung and Minah still together?" I asked Jihyo looked up thinking "I think so last I heard they were engaged, Soonyoung tried contacting you to invite you to the wedding but you never answered"

"I haven't been on Social media for a few months so I haven't responded to anyone I only check it once and a while I never go into my messages though last time I did was when Soonyoung messaged me explaining what the whole profile incident stuff"

Jihyo looked disappointed

"I'm not mad anymore don't worry"

"You sure? What I did was... wrong on so many different levels"

"I'm sure"

Brian held me closer as I grabbed Jihyo hand to reassure her "I'm sure" she smiled "thank you"

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