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Brian Kang

Jae looked at me with a worried smile "I'll go" he coughed standing up I grabbed his arm "stay" I whispered as he smiled at me before sitting down again intertwining our fingers "Mom sit please" I smiled softly

"Seulgi told me something didn't think it was true but it is congratulations" she smiled "listen mom if your he-" "your dad and sister dont know I'm here" she said I felt Jae rest his head on my shoulder "Brian please introduce him to me" she smiled sweetly I looked over at Jae "Mom this is Jae, my boyfriend" I smiled as he looked over at me "Jae sure is nice meeting my possible son-in-law" she said "So mom what did you wanna talk to me about" "I wanted to see how you were doing" "im doing fine" i said awkwardly "why are you really here"

"Younghyun" "its Brian not Younghyun" (A/N WHOS BRIAAAAAN) I shot glaring at her as Jae tightened his grip on my hand, "Brian I realized I overreacted over you being gay" she said, I looked over at Jae "you just realized?" I said looking back at her she looked at me with a dissapointed expression

"Brian" Jae whispered "Younghy- Brian i want you to come move back in with me" "No I'd rather not im fine living on my own with my boyfriend" I said pulling Jae closer "bu-" "No! even if I said yes I would still have to deal with my dad and sister and where would Jae go" I cut her off "would you let me finish, your dad and sister are moving out your boyfriend can move in with us its better then living here you'll still be in the district just please come back" "fine I'll think about it" I sighed i obviously didn't want to continue with the conversation "I should get going your sister and dad think. im at the store right now bye" she said walking out with a smile

Time Skip

I hovered over the older with a smile, I leaned down pressing my lips on his, I smiled before pulling away, our eyes locked "are you trying to suduce me or something?" he giggled "maybe" I winked making the older smack me playfully "im kidding im not trying ro suduce you but I can truly get lost in your eyes" I smiled down at him  "my eyes are the color of actual shit Brian" he said with a smile "no they're the color of chocolate" I argued laying down next to him my arm wrapped around him "you are the cutest person ever" I smiled pecking his lips "you're so perfect" I pecking his lips again "you make my heart flutter when you smile" I continued to peck his lips and give him compliments

"night" I whispered pulling him closer to me, he pressed his face into my chest, I smiled as I heard his soft snores, I looked down at him as he moved his head revealing his face, his lips parted slightly, his glasses still on his face "idiot" I whispered to myself taking his glasses off him setting them on the dresser next to me before falling asleep with a smile

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