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Jae Park

I smiled at the younger as we arrived at school, "you go out first I don't want Jihyo getting on my case more than she already is" Brian smiled ruffling my hair, god you're beautiful,I flushed red at the gesture "I dont care she doesn't see hickeys does she" I smiled "JAE!" Brian yelled smacking me playfully on the shoulder

we walked onto the campus, a smile on my face, he walked me up to homeroom "meet me by the bathrooms 1st period okay" he whispered into my ear, I nodded and walked into the classroom

"is that why you never answered me last night?!" Jihyo complained grabbing onto my arm "shut the fuck up and leave me alone your not my fucking mom Jihyo!" I screamed as I sat down all eyes on us "What is your problem! one minute your fucking depressed because your ex cheated on you then the next your fucking crawling over a Playboy!" she screamed back glaring at me "he isn't a play boy!" "YOU TWO SHUT THE FUCK UP" Hoshi yelled pulling me out of the classroom

"What the fuck is your problem!" he whisper yelled "uh nothing am I not allowed to make new friends" I asked "you are!" "whats so different about Brian then" I said glaring at him, Hoshi knew who i was talking about tho, he didn't say anything just awkwardly stood there, I rolled my eyes and walked away when the bell rung

I smiled before walking the opposite direction "Jae where areyou going" "somewhere" I said before turning into the bath rooms, (A/Nthe stalls went down all the way so you couldn't see peoples feet) I walked into to the bathroom "Hyunnie" I saw him smile at the nickname "Hyunnie? I like that" he smiled as he took my arm dragging me to the back entrance of the school, we walked for a while before we ended up at his house

a smile bloomed on my face as I sat on the youngers bed "You should smile more and wear these stupid glasses less" he said taking the glasses off of me "Hyunnie~" I pouted trying to get my glasses back, he smirked "what do I get out of it" he smiled leaning closer "Hyung" he whispered as I pecked his cheek and took his face in my hands "now give me back my glasses" I smiled taking them out of his hand when I fell back into the bed with Brian hovering over me

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