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"You ready" I said to him say as he took my hand before we entered the familar office "Mr. Kang, Mr. Park please sit" he told us as we entered the room, Jae tightened the grip on my hand as we sat down, I looked at him giving him a slight smile.

"I got a complaint the other day from a fellow student telling me that you guys make her uncomfortable" I knew exactly who it was Nayeon I smiled and asked "how so" "well she didn't say" "Who is she?" "Listen Younghyun I'm not supposed to sa-" "Tell Me!" I raised my voice a bit, because I was simply done with the kids at this school, and I wanted it all to end, the harassment towards Jae was going to far "Mr. Kang I ca-" "Do you have any clue what they have been doing to him! They've been harassing him and you haven't done anything!" I yelled as I felt Jae cling onto my arm "hyun clam down please" his voice was soft and scared so was his grip on my arm "Im Nayeon" I knew it, I stormed out Jae following behind me as I walked up to Nayeon at her locker, slamming it shut and shoving her into the lockers "you bitch" I growled as she looked at me with pure terror she was the last one in the hallway "I know why your mad but it wasn't me who made the complaint.." I looked at her with confusion as i put her down "who made them then?" she looked over at the girl walking down the hallway not paying attention "Chaeyoung made them for no reason I have no problem with you guys but she does for some reason" "then why did the principle tell us you made the complaint" "she must have made them under my name I guess I don't know"

I looked over at Jae who was staring blankly at the ground before looking at Nayeon again and walking away "Hey where are you going" she yelled her voice echoing through out the empty hallways "somewhere far away from here" I answered turning around smiling slightly "call me so I know everything is okay" and then I realized in that moment maybe people do care about Jae and I, maybe not everyone is repulsed by us, I turned around again giving her a thumbs up before leaving the school campus "dont worry angel we only have 1 week left and we're gone and we wont ever have to go back ever..okay" I said as I pulled him into a hug and pressing a kiss the top of his head

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