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his house wasn't big nor was it small, it was the perfect size for a few people to live in, posters covered the walls of some areas, cd racks "Woah" were the only words I could get to come out of my mouth, but one poster caught my eye, "wow didn't know a guy like you would like Bigbang and 2ne1" I teased nudging his shoulder

"I don't get it" He stopped writing "you don't get what" "how am I supposed to do this when I've never really been in love" he exclaimed with a smile, but a more joking smile, "what do you really not get" I chuckled as my phone buzzed I just ignored it "I don't get how you have such good grades, look adorable no homo tho and you sound like you've never gotten in trouble ever" I flushed at the 'adorable' comment, I just shrugged not saying anything "do you even break rules" he asked "I fell asleep during class once" "well thats a start" "hey how about we skip english tomorrow" he suggested I didn't disagree nor agree I just stayed silent suggesting we get back to work

notifications lit up my phone "you should probably check that" "I am I am"

Jihyo: hey dick face
you okay?
why haven't you responded?
did he rape you?!
oh god!
I should call the cops

Can you let us work?
he isn't doing anything wrong unless you count flirting as a crime

Jihyo: oh
good thing I didn't call the cops right!!
well I forgot so bye


"god I hate her sometimes I don't know what she has against you" I said putting down my phone muting the conversation "huh?" "Jihyo" I sighed getting back to writing "oh her? I forgot you two were friends" I laughed at his comment "lets get back to work" I smiled focusing on the paper

"C'mon lets take a break" Brian whined closing the laptop smiling, god he was perfect, "is that all you do is bug me" I joked

we sat on the floor watching a random movie on Netflix I felt my eyes get heavy, I dropped my head when I felt my hand rest on my cheek "Jae" he whispered "Jae your phone is going off I think Jihyos blowing up your phone" he laughed as I lifted my head "I don't care I'd rather shoot myself then hear her bitching right now" I said, he paused the movie "why does Jihyo hate you so much I mean you seem extremely sweet" I smiled as his face turned a bright pink

Brian Kang

I smiled back at the elder male, I just didn't understand how someone could be this cute, I didn't understand how I could ever like someone with Cherry Blossom colored hair, Circle glasses that weirdly make him look more like chicken little, a smile that could light up the whole room, and his sweet like candy voice that never failed to make my heart explode, "uh Brian?" Jae snapped his fingers pulling me out of my head "Bri- ah nevermind its not important" he whispered when I realized the power was out "sorry I spaced out do you wanna stay here tonight I can sleep on the couch if you want" I nervously laughed scratching the back of my neck

"you sure your okay with me sleeping in your bed I mean I can sleep on the couch" his lips curled into a soft smile, my heart was racing faster then ever, my cheeks flared up, god i felt like i was on fire... in a good way, I smiled back "yeah im sure" "I'll feel bad though" "then I'll sleep with you" I blurted covering my mouth, he just giggled "okay that works too" goddamnit Brian

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