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Brian Kang // Xmas

I couldn't sleep, i was tired but couldn't sleep, this happened most nights, those nights Jae climbed in next to me, I've grown used to the older next to me he was like a teddy bear, the one you had to sleep with as a kid or you couldn't sleep, that type of teddy bear "Brian are you still up" jumped at the sound of the olders voice, I looked over to see him sleepily giggled to himself, I softly smiled as Jae got closer to the bed "can I" "of course" I answered as he climbed in next to me

"Jae can I asked you something" "yeah" "what am I to you" "my everything" I smiled at his cheesyness "no like if someone asked what I am to you what would you say" "my soulmate" his voice muffled, I smiled "whys that" "because we aren't dating yet but we are.. together... in a way, you're always there for me and you know me better than most people even though you've only known me for a short amount of time i dont know how to explain how i feel around you but i know that i feel loved because of you" I felt him smile against my neck, I looked over at the clock

December 25th 2017

I smiled holding him closer and tighter pressing a kiss on his forehead "Merry Chrismas angel" I whispered moving my head to press my forehead on his, waiting for him to realize what i was asking for, he moved his head so we were looking eye to eye "may I?" I asked smiling "please" I smiled at his answer pressing my lips on his smiling, giggling before pulling away looking at him

"you know instead of saying im your soulmate you should say im your boyfriend" I said as he smiled "Okay Mr. Chee- you just asked me to be your boyfriend didn't you" I nodded smiling "yes I will be your boyfriend" he smiled "your smile is so cute" I whispered as he pouted, I leaned in pressing a kiss on his forehead "night angel" I whispered wrapping my arms around him holding him close "night boyfriend" I smiled again my face probably flushed a deep red

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