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I woke up facing the younger male, i fell asleep on his bed without any realization, his arm was resting on my side I moved his hair out of his face scooting closer to him "you're really cute" he mumbled sleepily, a smile formed on my face when I felt a kiss on my forehead I opened my eyes looking at him with a smile

"Jae go left you idiot" Brian screamed, we were playing mario cart more like I was since his remote died I paused the game looking over at him pouting "why are you being so mean to me" I whined making Brian laugh "im sorry" he whispered bringing me closer to him pressing a kiss on my forehead as i rested my head on his chest

"you trust me right" he questioned rubbing my back, i nodded my head looking up at him "why?" I asked as he rested his hand on my cheek he went to kiss my nose but I moved up so our lips met, I smiled into the kiss, my heart was racing I thought it was gonna explode as butterflies flew around, my hand moved to his hair

"yeah... maybe you shouldn't fuck on the couch" someone said as me and Brian pulled away "Seulgi how did you- nevermind" he sighed looking at me "So Younghyun who might this be? your boyfriend?" she asked making me choke on air "Jae this is Seulgi my step-sister.. Seulgi this is Jae my uh..." he freezes looking down at me "Your? what boyfriend?"

"It's hard to explain what we are to each other" He smiled looking at me "because we aren't dating but we aren't just friends.. okay but why even are you here?" Brian asked

"well I called earlier and now i know why you didn't answer" she said with disgust filling her tone of voice, I could already tell she was not accepting of what she just happened to walk in on

"Mom wants you over for Chrismas you dont have to go but she would like to give you something she says its an apology gift but really I dont think you deserve it" she smiled, i could already tell that she obviously was a stuck of snob, rich kid im guessing, she had the look and truly I didn't like the vibe she gave off

"Tell mom I'm spending chrismas with Jae" he said with an obvious tone "You're gonna break moms heart you know she hasn't seen you in almost three years" She fake cried I saw Brian roll his eyes "well if she's the one who kicked me out and told me to never comeback or talk to her also quit your fake crying and leave" He snapped glaring at her, She glared back "have fun with your little boyfriend he isn't gonna last long" she spat stomping out of the house and slamming the door behind her

"so we're spending chrismas together" I smiled looking at the older "yes i mean only if you want to then yeah I dont wanna force you ro something if you already have plans with som-" I cut him off by pressing my lips onto his to make him shut up "You talk to much yes I'll spend Chrismas with you idiot who else would I spend it with" I smiled kissing the youngers cheek

"your smile is my favorite thing" "god your cheesy" I blushed pressing my face into his chest smiling "im getting deja vu right now" I looked up at him with a questioning look "how?" I smiled as he grabbed my phone turning it on "its still your lockscreen? " He asked smiling "I couldn't bring myself to change it" I looked down smiling shyly "cute"

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