Chapter 2// The challenge is set

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Chapter 2: The challenge is set

My feet relish in the soft carpet of the school office which is simply angelic compared to the hard and unforgiving surface of the concrete outside. I still can't get the sound of my own footsteps out of my head. I can't seem to get the face of that guy I saw earlier out of my head either. God he was attractive. Each time his face pops into my head I feel myself going weak at the knees.

Come to think of it, why was he staring at me the way he was? I'm nothing special.

"Can I help you?" A squeaky voice snaps me back into reality.

"Um, yeah. My name is Violet-"

"Willows. Yes we have all heard a lot about you" she interrupts with a grin on her face.

My eyebrows crinkle in confusion.

"Sorry but I'm not sure what your talking about."

She laughs a bit at my obliviousness.

"Oh, sorry. It's just that your dad is the new head of Springdale fielding which makes him something of a celebrity around here and since you're his daughter it's sort of a given that people will have heard of you" she explains.

My mouth drops open slightly. Dad is the head of his business? Why didn't he tell me?!?! Then I would have tried to hide myself better.

"Well, isn't that just convenient" I mumble under my breath.

She obviously seems to have heard me since she chuckles lightly under her breath whilst stapling my timetable and locker information together.

"Now I'm sorry for this but at Bridgeville High we get all of the 'problem' students to give the school tours so that they can further develop their socialising skills."

My breath catches in my throat. They're sending a 'problem student' on a tour alone with me for half the day? What is wrong with the people at this school?!?!

The secretary suddenly yanks a button and microphone out of her desk and places the mouse piece near her lips, pressing the button which releases a low static noise.

"Ethan Goldsmith can you please report to the main office for a school tour" she says in an authoritative manor through the microphone.

Her voice echoes in from the hallway outside and I quickly gather that the announcement has surely been blasted through the whole school.

"Just one moment please Violet, he'll surely be along with a few of his friends soon enough" she reassures.

Unfortunately this is not reassuring whatsoever. I am going to spending half of the day with a guy that is a complete and utter stranger. What if he carries a pocket knife around? No, don't think like that. You're probably just stressing over nothing.

About two minutes later the door is suddenly thrown open and a group of about 4 boys walks through the door. The first one I see enter is a tall brunette who is in the middle of laughing at something the well built blond guy beside him had said. The other two guys consist of a startlingly attractive blonde guy with a really structured face and (to my dismay) the guy that I had locked eyes with earlier.

He opens his mouth to respond to something that the second blonde guy had said before he spots me and he pauses to observe me, his mouth still hanging slightly open. As our gazes lock once more an amused smirk creeps onto his face. Damn it, why does this guy have to be so hot even when he is laughing at my expense.

"Well, look who we have here" he says, interrupting his friend's conversations.

All of their eyes immediately land on me with each exhibited an interested expression of their own.

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