Chapter 39// Accepted

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Chapter 39: Accepted

The bell rings from second period with a sharp, piercing siren that shocks me out of my half-asleep state. For half of Mr Melrose's lecture on English culture in the 1900's, I was zoned off, thinking about what it would be like to see Hunter at lunch after last night. My entire body has been buzzing with energy since I woke up, anticipating our every interaction.

"You wanna go to lunch now?" Caitlin asks cautiously, standing in front of me.

Since Hunter and I went on our date last night, things between Ethan, Caitlin and I have smoothed out. Though they obviously want to be together publicly, I can tell that they're holding out because of me. Which is why I'm hoping that now that I'm in my own relationship as well, that they'll feel more comfortable.

Yet, there is a lot of question remaining around that whole 'relationship' note. We've only been on one date, so there's no telling whether he actually wants to go out again.

"Yeah, let's go," I respond as warmly as possible.

This brings a smile to her face.

As soon as I'm standing with my books in my arms she links our arms, a bold move on her part.

"Look, Violet," she says as we move through the crowded hallways, "I really want to move past this whole situation. We used to be really close before everything happened, and the last thing I'd ever want to do is lose my best friend over a stupid boy."

Her words are genuine, and I don't need to look at her expression to know the heartfelt sincerity behind them.

"Caitlin, I forgave you a long time ago. I've just needed some time to recover," I explain, as I put my stuff away in my locker, "but now, with Hunter, I don't feel anything but happiness."

The thought of him brings a joyful expression to my face. Caitlin sees this and grins.

"You're really into him, aren't you?"

I don't have to answer, the love-struck grin on my face says it all.

"Jesus it feels good to have one of my ships finally set sail," she says with a sigh of joy.

"Now hurry up, or we're gonna miss lunch!" She says, rushing me down the hallway in a hurry.

"Ok but first, promise me one thing!" I grab her arm firmly, looking her in the eye with a stern look.


"Don't mention Hunter and I cause it was just one date so I'm not sure whether he's ready to tell people or not. Only you and Heather know as far as I can tell," I tell her, dreading the thought of Hunter rejecting me.

What if all of last night was just to test the waters? What if all along he has just been toying with my heart strings?

"Violet, if you can't see how completely whipped he is right now then you're blind," she says with a grin.

"Whatever," I mumble with a content grin on my face, "I'm just not ready to have my heart broken again anytime soon."

It takes me a few moments to realise what I had said.

"Uh-I didn't mean it like that-" I start.

"It's fine Violet. It's gonna come up every now and then but all we can do is get along with our lives," she says maturely.

"When did you become such a calm person?" I ask with a snort.

"When I met Ethan I guess," she mumbles, a faint blush painting her cheeks.

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