Chapter 40// The Threat Returns

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Chapter 40: The Threat Returns

Hunter eyes are ablaze with pure hatred as he observes how Jay has me pressed against the wardrobe with the thin towel the only thing keeping me from being stark naked.
I expect him to try to talk to Jay and give him a death threat perhaps but instead, he surprises us all leaping straight out of his window and land on mine a second later. Jay's face slumps with shock and fear as he realises what is about to happen. Yet, neither of us are quick enough to stop him when Hunter comes barrelling towards us. I squeeze my eyes shut the second I feel Jay being knocked off me, however as soon as his weight has been removed they fly open as I attempt to hold my towel up.

"Violet, go get changed, I'm just going to have a quick chat with beanie boy over here," Hunter growls menacingly, his eyes never straying from Jay's with a piercing glare.

I silently nod, grabbing my clothes and walking back into the bathroom. Once I'm changed I come back out to see that Jay is now sporting a very painful looking black eye and a few assorted bruises here and there.

"Violet," Hunter says turning around to look at me with a grin, "how about you go and sit downstairs for a bit. We're not quite done here yet."

Jay is now tied to a chair with duck tape and his beanie is lying on the ground next to him.

"No way. I want to know why he's here in the first place."

Jay's hooded gaze rises to meet my own.

"Vee, I don't want you to see this," Hunter says slowly.

"I don't really care, now take that tape off his mouth. I've got a few words of my own that need to be said."

If he wants to say something, he doesn't, instead reaching down to viciously tear the tape off his face. The blonde haired boys winces at the pain, biting his lip to withhold a grunt.

"You guys have no idea what you've done," he says the second the tape is gone, "the entire west side is covered with dead or alive signs with your names on them!"

I feel Hunter go rigid beside me.

"What?!" I exclaim, "Why? Who put them up?!"

"As soon as news of you guys partnering spread, Bruce sent out flyers of a million dollar reward for anyone who can bring either one of you to him, dead or alive."

I feel my legs turn to water as the realisation of everything hits me. Because of me, Hunter is in so much danger I can't even imagine it.

"You're lying," Hunter says through gritted teeth.

"Thought you'd say that," Jay grins, "check my left jacket pocket."

I send him a sidelong glance of caution. He meets my eyes with his own, coated in guilt. All I want to do is wrap my arms around him and let him run his fingers through my hair. But this isn't the time or the place for pleasantries. If Hunter's life is on the line then I'm not letting Jay leave until I know exactly why.

"I'll check it," I tell him quickly, before walking towards him.

Hunter moves to stop me but I'm already in front of the blonde boy, reaching into his jacket pocket.

"You never told me you had so many assets beneath those massive hoodies," Jay whispers in my ear.

An uncomfortable shiver is sent down my spine at his words.

"No talking!" Hunter growls from behind me, obviously annoyed to not have heard what he said.

"I can't believe I ever fell for any of your lies," I hiss at him as I finally retrieve a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket.

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