What Just Happened?

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I feel a light tap on my shoulder, I open my eyes to see that I am in the nurse's office. I turn my head to look at Derek, whom had said my name.

"Oww." I wince putting my hand onto my forehead. "How long have I been here?"

"Well, it's almost three o'clock. I got out of class early to see how you were doing."

"Did you find your classes alright and everything?"

Derek looks me straight in the eyes and busts out laughing.

I move my eyebrow up, "What?"

"After you basically flew down the stairs and have been in the nurse's office all day, you still ask if I got to my classes alright. You would think that would be the least of your worries."

"Oh. Well, I can only imagine how hard it is to be new and I just thought-"

He cuts me off "Let's just get you home." As if and cue the bell rings and he helps me out of the office. As we walk towards the exit he grabs my bag from off of the floor and hands it to me. We both out our backpacks on and walk out. Derek asks where I live and I tell him I only live a few blocks away from school, so we decide to walk since it is so nice out.

It only takes a few minutes to get to my house. It's a nice white two story house that isn't too big nor too small. He walks up to the door with me and I invite him in. My brother isn't home from work yet so it is just the two of us.

"Uh. My room's upstairs.." I trail off walking upstairs. Derek follows, walking closely behind me. I try to be swift and go up the stairs faster, but I trip over myself. Great. Two falls in one day, good job Val.

Luckily I am close to the top and I fall on the top steps. But Derek trips over my flailing legs and falls on top of me. He picks himself up as if in a push up position hovering above me. I turn over on my back. We look at each other smiling and within moments we burst out in laughter.

I stare at him intently. His lips look so perfect in this moment. So perfect I could just kiss them. But I stop myself. What am I doing? I hardly know him. I'm not going to just kiss him. We let our laughter trail off and he looks me in the eyes. I feel my insides melt. Why did he have to be so amazing?

Then as if he was reading my mind he leaned his head down towards mine, but he hesitated before our lips met. I could feel everything at once. Every emotion, every possible thought was rushing through my head. His lips melted into mine and I felt infinite.

As we pulled away our lips lingered. Neither one of us wanted to stop. He lifted himself up and helped me to my feet for the second time today.

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