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"Hey, Jackson." I say walking up to him. I seemed wto have caught him by surprise because he hesitates before speaking.

"Oh, hey, Val."

"Katy said you were looking for me?"

"Uh," he laughs. "Yeah. I was. I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go out with me sometime?"

Now I was not expecting that. I hardly even knew him. I mean we aren't even really friends. I'm so confused. I'm not apposed to going out with Jackson, but I think that I still like Derek..

What is going on? It's not like Derek didn't have chances to ask me out or anything. And of course I could've asked him, but I was too afraid. I didn't want to ruin what we had. Ugh. Stupid feelings.

Derek was basically the opposite of Jackson. Jackson was the athletic guy, the one who was always ready to work out and usually so eccentric; over positive. He was a leader, but he was a tad selfish and that was a turn off. Plus he was a jerk sometimes. But then there's a sweet side of him I've seen a few times. And a part of me wished I could witness that part of him again.


"Because I think you're pretty, and funny and smart." his smile grows as he speaks. He seems to be very confident.

I'm torn. I don't have feelings for Jackson, but there's a chance I could develop some. I just don't want to ruin my chances with Derek either. If there were any at this point.

"I'll think about it."


Authors Note:

I don't really do authors notes, but I appreciate the reads this is getting. Comments would be helpful, if you want to leave them. I'm open to new ideas. And thank you for the votes.

Sorry I don't update often. I try, okay? :)

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