Fix Me

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"Hey," I smiled when I saw Ryan, Derek and Katy entering my room.

Ryan crawled onto the bed next to me and positioned himself between my side and my arm. We stayed like that for a while, until there was about ten minutes until my surgery. The four of us chatted occasionally, but the silence was oddly comforting.

"Hey, Ryan, your mom's gonna get fixed soon, so we should go back to my house. Your dad's gonna stay here."

"Is Rose there?"

"Yep." she smiled.

"Okay." Ryan sat up and kissed my cheek. I hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go. "I love you mommy."

"I love you too Ryan." I said as he let go of me and left the room with Katy.

I softly wept and Derek came up to me. He grabbed my hands and told me to look at him.

"You're gonna be okay." I know he wanted that to be true so badly, but his voice was shaking and showed his fear.

"No matter what happens, I want you to know that you were the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I love you."

"I love you too."

"I wanna tell you a secret," I whispered. Derek gave me a puzzling look. "I knew that you were in love with me the first day we met."

"How did you know that?" he gave me a crooked smile.

"I didn't until just now." I laughed weakly.

"Well, I actually did fall in love with you the first day we met. It was your smile that drew me in. I knew I couldn't live without you."

I smiled wide an leaned in to kiss him. "You're such a sap." I laugh pulling away.

"Five minutes and we're taking you down for surgery, Valdosta." The nurse says through the door as she knocks.

"Make sure that if something happens to me, that you tell Ryan how much I love him. And I want you to never forget how much I love you. You guys are my everything."

I grips my hand and kisses me again. We say our "I love you's" and part ways as I'm taken to surgery.


I hear voices. It's like I'm in a coma. I can't find the energy to open my heavy eyelids or to open my mouth to speak. I lay there motionless in my bed.

"Is she alright? Please let me see her."

"You may see her in a moment. Just know that the operation was successful, but there's still a slight chance of rejection. In some rare cases the rejection can happen six months or more after the operation."

"When can she go home?"

"Maybe in a week or more."

"Thank you."

I feel a pain in my chest and I groan slightly. I felt hands grasp mine. It was Derek. He sat with me for a long time before I finally drifting into sleep. I hope that I'll live, for his sake and Ryan's.


Author's Note:

Eh. I'm getting sad just writing this. Sorry.


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