"Pizza Party"

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*Five Years Later*

"Ryan, it's time for school." I say waking him up. He's been looking foreword to school the past week. I made him some cereal, which he ate quickly and then he went to get dressed. After I brushed his hair and made sure he brushed his teeth. I made a mental note to take him for a haircut soon. Ryan's hazel hair was getting into his eyes.

Ryan and I went to the living room to meet Derek.

"Daddy!" he said rushing Derek. He jumped into his arms and Derek swung him in a circle.

"You ready for your first day of school?"


I couldn't help but laugh. He was so cute. They both were.

"Alright, get your shoes on and lets go." he smiled at Ryan.

Ryan ran to go out his shoes on and Derek can up to me. I hadn't been feeling well lately and I was going to the doctor in an hour. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. Then he pulled a way and leaned in to kiss m, but I stopped him.

"If I'm sick, then you'll get sick." I say putting my hand over his lips.

He grabbed my hand and interlaced his fingers with mine.

"I don't care." He smiled kissing me gently.

"Eww." Ryan giggled re entering the room. We pulled away and laughed at him.

"Okay lets go." Derek said leading Ryan to the door. I trail behind them.

"Bye Val." he says giving me a quick kiss. I lean down and kiss Ryan on the forehead.

"I love you guys. Have a good day at school and have fun in the studio. Be good you guys." I smirk as they leave.

I lock the door behind them and start getting ready for the day. I went upstairs to our room and picked out some clothes. I pulled out a plain long-sleeved white T-shirt, a pair of skinny blue jeans, a simple black vest and my white vans. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair. It was a dark brown tangled mess. I struggled with getting a brush through it. By the time I had finally brushed through it, it was all frizzy. So I sprayed it with water and put in into a messy bun, letting some of my bangs fall down.

I applied some mascara. which made my hazel eyes stand out significantly. When I was done, I looked at the clock to see I had about twenty minutes until my appointment. So I went downstairs, grabbed my purse, my phone and my keys.

It takes me about fifteen minutes to get the the doctors office. I sign in and wait patiently to be called back. A nice woman finally calls my name and leads me to a small room. I only have to wait about two minutes before my doctor comes in.

"Hello, Val." she smiles friendly. Doctor Strauss quickly looks over my file. "Well these symptoms are certainly troubling, so we're going to run a few tests, hopefully it's nothing big deal."

She leads me to several rooms where we do many tests. I get an MRI, blood work and so other things.

"Well, Val. I will have your results by tomorrow. How about you stop by around one o'clock?"

I tell her that's fine and I leave the office.


I come home to find all of Derek's friends over. His band, Mayday Parade, has been coming along quite wonderfully and I am very proud of them. They're playing around with Ryan and laughing. I close the door and Brooks looks over at me.

"Val!" he says jumping up and the rest of the guys follow. "We haven't seen you in forever." And then I'm bombarded by hugs.

Brooks was my closest friends out of the guys. We've been there for each other when we needed a friend. It's nice to have someone to talk to other than Derek sometimes. I love Derek, but sometimes it's nice to have a new opinion around.

"Anyone else hungry?" I say.

"Ugh, I'm starving. Pizza on me guys. What kind do you want?" Brooks pulling out his phone.

We decide on one cheese, one pepperoni and one with green peppers on it. When it got here, we all piled into the living room and had a huge "pizza party". We watched movies until two in the morning. Well, Ryan fell asleep around nine, so he was in his bed. All of the guys had fallen asleep except for Brooks. We were both watching the end of a movie when he turned to me.

"I wish we could do this more often." He laughs.

"Me too," I return. "But everyone's always busy."

"I wish I had what you have, Val." he says slowly laying down, about to go to sleep.

"What?" I say.

"You have a great life, despite what happened when you were younger. You have such a positive outlook on life. You got married and have a son. You're lucky."

I smile at that. Brooks drifts off to sleep, but I can't. Lucky? I'm not lucky. No one is.


Author's Note:

I feel like I'm being annoying because I keep skipping years and such. But oh well it's my story.

Anyway, I'm sure most of you guess what's going to happen soon enough. And I'm sorry, but this is just how I feel the story should be. So yeah.

I love you guys so much for reading this. XD


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