Rubbing It In

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I sat at a table with my hands cuffed to the pole in its center. It was probably a good thing to. Otherwise, I might have strangled my sister and actually deserved to go to prison.

"Thanks for taking the rap sis. I won't forget it." I felt like it was a lie but it wasn't. Because Chara wouldn't forget She'd remember but she just wouldn't care. "You know that right?" I nodded numbly. "Mom's so mad right now, but she'll get over it. And when she does, I'll take her to visit you at prison. 'Kay?" Chara was reveling in this, the fact that she got away with it, that I let her. I couldn't believe how stupid I was. She raised an eyebrow and gave me a sympathetic smile. "You okay?" she simpered.

"Yeah, I'm fine Char," I lied through my teeth. My hands were shaking and I clutched them together so she wouldn't hear my metal restraints clinking.

"How long is your sentence?" She was gloating now.

"Twenty-five years before I can apply for parole," I said with a sigh.

"Wow, that's a long time. Oh, but don't worry, I'll be there when you get out." That was actually a fear of mine.

"Thanks Char," I said numbly.

"Are you sure you're okay? Is there anything I can do?" She just didn't want me to tell anyone her secret.

"No...well...yes. Could you take care of flowey please? It would mean the world to me." I hoped she wouldn't kill him while I was away.

"Yeah, sure. I can do that," she was a little hesitant. Flowey hated her. He had warned me about this from the start but there was nothing I could do about it now.

The guards came in to take me away. "Thanks Char. See you soon." I smiled weakly at her.

Her eyes were on the guards, a sick little smile played over her face. I don't think she even heard what I said. She was enjoying this all the way. I bit back the urge to kick her under the table. The frustration built up inside me and I wanted to scream.

Chara looked at me, hiding her smile. Pretending to be sad, she started to fake cry, which she was extremely good at. "Bye Frisk. I'll visit soon. I promise." She sounded sincere but I saw her smile as she turned to leave. I probably wouldn't see her ever again. That bothered me but not in the way it should.

The guards unlocked me as Chara walked out and forced my hands behind my back. I controlled the urge to run and did everything they asked. The strongest one took control of me while the other led the way. Soon I was outside the police station and headed towards an armored van. It had barred windows, surveillance cameras, and armed guards. Basically, the whole nine yards.

I sighed as the guard pushed me into the vehicle. Several other people and monsters were waiting inside. The guard sat me far away from the rest of them. Maybe he sensed I wasn't like them. That I wasn't a ruthless criminal and I wouldn't do well next to them. He took up his spot inside the van, hand on weapon, and knocked on the barred window separating us from the driver and other guards.

The van started and soon we were wheeling out of my hometown. I wouldn't have minded as much if we weren't headed somewhere much worse. I bit my lip and waited.

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