The Warden

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I didn't look at Undyne as the guard took me out. I tried to keep my head up and my gaze straight so no prisoner would look at me and see weakness, any more than the obvious. After he pushed me onto the floor of the cell, I didn't lay there and cry. Numbly, I crawled into my cot. I told myself it was okay to cry then but I didn't feel anything. So I just laid there.

Undyne came in a little while later. I could feel her looking at me but I didn't roll over to acknowledge her. She climbed into her cot and laid around for a while. But eventually the silence got to both of us.

She sighed at the same time I did. I heard her roll over and plop onto the ground. She sat on the edge of my bed and said, "That was a good show you put on punk. I couldn't tell know."

I rolled over. "Thanks," I said monotonously.

"Don't take it so hard pet. They're bad people, the set," she seemed almost angry about it. I sat up and she patted my arm

I looked at her curiously, "Why do you care?" I asked without being sarcastic or rude. "I'm just a pet. I'm disposable."

"Maybe but the way things have been going...maybe not."

"What about your last pet?" I was interested now.

"'G always called Alphys my pet. I knew here before I got in here though. She's been my best friend since we were kids."

"Oh," I said. "That's nice."

"What about you? You're a likeable person. Any friends?"

"No, Chara made sure of that." She wanted to be my only friend, if one could call it that, to keep more control of me. It worked.

"The striped green sweater?" Undyne asked, referring to Chara's clothes that day.


"She's ugly."

I snorted slightly. It wasn't true, but it made me feel better. "Thanks Undyne."

She leaned on me, placing her elbow on my shoulder. "What it true. That blush job. If that little s**t was going for low paid clown, she got it."

We started laughing uncontrollably. I was amazed at how quick Undyne had cheered me up.

We were still laughing when a guard rapped on the cell bars. "Hey! You! With me," he ordered, pointing at me.

Undyne and I looked at each other. I felt uneasy again.

'The warden,' she mouth with a shrug. I shrugged back and walked over to the guard. He chained me up and started pushing me roughly through the hall.

Prisoners jeered and howled as we passed by but none of them bothered me. It was the one quiet one that frightened me. G glared somberly at me as I passed. He inspected my body slowly, smoking his cigarette. He smirked and I felt his eyes on my back as the guard pushed me on.

After that, I couldn't wait to get to the Warden's office, anything to get away from the G's glowing eyes.

Finally, we made it. I stepped inside a cushy office. Most of the chairs were plush and so was the couch. The prison's concrete walls were covered in wooden paneling. There was a bookshelf right next to the door.

I saw what was behind the door when two monsters's walked through. The room was filled with filing cabinets and an assistant's desk. The taller, darker monster was another skeleton, and the warden. He had several cracks in his skull and a serious frown. His 'eyes' glowed slightly as he took me in. The smaller monster, his assistant, was a small girl made of green flames. I assumed she was a college student, maybe interning for a criminology course.

"Find Frisk's file," he said to the girl and she scampered off. "Hello," he said slowly to me after she left. The guard left the room and I was all-alone with the warden. He sat down in the leather seat behind his desk.

"Hi," I said shyly. I felt like I was suffocating under the weight of his seriousness.

The flaming girl came back before he could say anything and said, "Gaster? I can't find it."

"Call the station." She went back into the room again.

He didn't say anything. I started to get nervous when he sighed and asked, "What did a little girl like you do to get to play with the big boys?" On after thought he added, "Don't lie."

"Then I can't tell you," I answered honestly.

"You don't look like the type."

I shrugged.

"Oh well, there's nothing to discuss until I can find your file," he said shortly. He called the guard back and then walked towards the file room. He turned to look at me once more before pulling a set of keys out of his pocket. My eyes lit up when I saw the one labeled 'Med Cab.'

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