Undyne's Test

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We were sitting in the cafeteria. Undyne watched the clock and Alphis nervously pushed the stale food around with her plastic spoon. I sat quietly with my hands folded neatly in my lap, watching both of them.

"S...so, what are you in for?" Alphis asked me nervously.

I frowned and looked her in the eyes, "Wrong place, wrong time." Undyne scoffed in disbelief but Alphis nodded softly. They probably heard that often from the inmates here.

I noticed that nobody got close. All the prisoners at our table were tight packed and had barely and inch of elbowroom but no one got within more that five feet of us. I was grateful for that to. I felt extremely uncomfortable with the stares and rumors about me, the 'new girl'.

But apparently you have to do something terrible to get stuck in the same quadrant as Undyne. I'd say Chara's crime defiantly fit.

But that got me wondering about Alphis. What did a small, shy girl like her do to get stuck with a woman like Undyne?

Alphis noticed me looking at her and smiled knowingly. "I...um...broke a few genetic engineering laws," she said vaguely.

"Ah, so you're a scientist?" I asked, interested. I had always been interested in science. As a kid, I had wanted to be a doctor/scientist who studied monster diseases.

"Yeah," she looked down at her plate.

Undyne was still staring at the clock. We were only ten minutes into lunch. Undyne had told me that lunch lasted for ninety minutes. After lunch was yard time. We got seventy minutes outside before it was back to our cell, unless you had a job. We could go outside as soon as we finished lunch though, so that gave us extra time.

Twenty minutes into lunch, Undyne stood up and Alphis and I followed suit. We exited the cafeteria and took a left. Thirty feet down were two glass doors that led to the 'yard'.

Undyne dramatically pushed them open, causing everyone outside to turn and stare. Undyne scowled, the sunlight glinting dramatically off her teeth. She marched down the center of the yard to the very back. We all leaned against the fence and I took in our surroundings.

It was eighty feet of black asphalt surrounded by barbed wire fences that were themselves, surrounded by two other fences of the same type. There was a basketball court in the middle, a weight station to the left, and benches to the right.

Now Undyne was staring at the doors. Her watchful, blue eyes inspected each prisoner as they pushed through the door. I noticed many of them shrunk away from her gaze. Some didn't notice and only three brave prisoners returned it.

She had been scowling the whole time but when an alligator-ish monster walked out, she nodded and smirked down at me. Crossing her arms, she leaned down towards my face and said, "See the ugly, green guy?" I nodded and felt my throat close up nervously. "He's always putting his hand in his pocket. I know there's something important in it but what I don't know, is what it is." Her smirk got larger, "Fetch."

I watched the monster stick his scaly hand into his left pocket and check for the item. Taking a deep but shaky breath, I took an indirect path towards him. My arms started to shake and heart hurt as it beat.

When I was a couple feet away, I took another breath and lowered my head. My left hand tapped against my leg as I closed in. Quickening, not looking, I walked right into him. On collision, my hand flashed in and out of his pocket. I felt him shove me and I fell back, sitting on my hands. "Watch it!" he shouted. I frowned and got up, scurrying away, I tucked the metal object into my own pocket.

Undyne smirked at my approach. "Did you get it punk?" She waved her hand in the air as she talked.

I nodded nervously and stepped close to her so no guard could see it. Undyne and Alphis watched my hand as I reached into my pocket and pulled it out. The sunlight gleaned off the edges of metal blade. It didn't have a handle and had been sharpened crudely. I noticed small flakes of dried blood speckling the dull silver.

"So that's what Old Scaly was hiding. That's a good thing to know. Would be a shame if a guard would find out. Not a terrible job Pet." I scowled. "Now go give it back."

I sighed and turned around. This time I walked up right up to him because his back was turned. I stopped when I was a foot away. I was still shaking and seeing his hand start to reach into his pocket.

"Uhem!" I fake coughed. The alligator man turned around and glared at me. "Listen," I said with an authoritative voice. "Sorry about bumping into you before, that was rude of me." I gestured widely with my right hand so he'd look away from my left. As he watched it, I slipped the knife back into his pocket and back away.

"What's your problem," he growled, stepping closer.

"Nothing, the boss just wanted me to apologize to you," I said, determined not to back down.

"Boss, you mean owner," he scoffed, "Don't let it happen again."

I nodded and mumbled another apology before scrambling back to Undyne.

"Did he catch you?" She inquired.

"No ma'am," I said. I could hear the satisfaction in my voice.

She grinned, "Good pet." She patted my head. "Now lets go lift weights."

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