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G shoved me behind him, his magic already glowing menacingly. "Hey pal," he growled.

The monster backed away into the shadows, nervously wringing it's hands. Long black nails dug out of its spinally white fingers. Its eyes were big black holes, so devoid of life they sent a shiver down my spine. Pale skin stretched so thin over its sharp bones it could have been a skeleton. A deformed, hunched skeleton. Large fangs dripped out of its agape jaw, surrounded by much smaller but sharper teeth. The monster crossed its arms in front of itself for protection and long, thin flaps of skin fell out of its torn prison uniform.

The monster tore its gaze from G's menacing face to look at me. A long, red tongue snaked out of its mouth and liked its fangs.

G watched him with extreme unamusement, crossing over into anger. "Hey, eyes over here pal," he growled, using his magic to lift the creature and send him flying into the wall. Its screech sounded like a sharp wind whistling through glass. I shivered again.

G picked it up and threw it into the wall again. This time a shriek of pain escaped its non-existent lips. I winced as if I could feel its pain. The memory of Undyne's dust floating out from her attackers' bodies assaulted me.

G used his magic to pick it up again. I rushed forward, grabbing his outstretched arm. "G stop," I cried, on the verge of tears. He glanced down at me unwavering. "Please, he didn't attack us." He sighed angrily.

"Frisk..." he rubbed his temple agitatedly.

"Please," I whispered desperately. I couldn't watch this.

He gently groaned. "Frisk," he complained again.

I shook my head, looking up into his eyes I said, "Put him down G." My voice was calm and soft, the exact opposite of my shaky insides.

He rolled his eyes but let the creature fall to the ground, although he still kept it trapped in his amber colored magic. It opened and closed its mouth a few times, little squeaks, like the sound mice make, reached my ears.

"G? I don't think it can talk."

Now that the tension in the air had dissipated some, the steady thumps became the focus of my attention again. I felt the heavy banging noise through the floor, which jumped with each thump.

"What is that noise?" I said more to myself than anyone else.

The creature started making nervous chattering noises, like a mouse trying to speak. G growls, watching the monster suspiciously.

I look at it more openly. Even though I couldn't understand it, I understood it was trying to tell me something.

I took a step forward only to feel G's bony hand wrap around my wrist, holding me back.

I meet the creature's empty eyes confidently. "I'm sorry," I said gently, "I don't understand you."

It stopped making those little chattering noises. It stared at me, confused about something, but I knew it understood what I said. It raised its right arm, one finger outstretched, pointing down the hall.

I looked back at G, "Ladies first," I smiled.

He frowned back, his shoulder bumping into mine. I was worried I'd made him mad but when I ran after him and took his hand he didn't let go.

The monster began chattering again, pointing us along the halls. We walked cautiously, in case it was trying to lead us into a trap. Each step left me more nervous than the last, shadows jumped out at me from every corner, but G was steady and just having him there kept me somewhat calm.

Falsely Convicted  (G!SansxFrisk)Where stories live. Discover now