Getting To No You

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G fell asleep against the wall. He was tired out from before and now he snored softly against me. His dead weight against me was heavy and I had to lean against him to counteract his weight.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I was lucky to have found G, even if he did kick my can once. Without him, I might have been dead in this moment, or worse. My mind wandered to Detective Mullins and what he told me. The idea of betraying Chara still left a bitter flavor on my tongue but the idea of freedom, if I survived this, was tantalizing.

It might not matter though. Detective Mullins probably believes me dead right now and if G ever leaves me behind, I would be. Why did he keep me along anyways?

There was steady pressure behind my eyes, luring me to sleep. For a while I fought it by thinking about the monsters that chased us but in the end sleep won.

When I woke up, my head was on G's shoulder and G was smoking. I sighed and sat up. Running my hands through my short hair, I tried to straiten it out but probably ended up making it worse.

"Hey Dove," G murmured in his smoky voice.

"Hi," I yawned. I was growing accustomed to being called 'Dove'.

G looked uncomfortable so I sat up. As soon as I was no longer touching him, I thought I saw a little frown on his face.

For a suspended moment, sitting there by G, I felt peaceful and unconcerned. G pulled out another cigarette and lit it with his magic. We sat side by side quietly, close but not touching.

"Want a cigarette?" G asked.

"I don't smoke," I looked down at my hands, "but thanks."

"Mm," was G's only reply as he closed his eyes and leaned his skull against the wall.

Soon though, I began to wake up and reality hit me.

"G?" He looked at me. "How long do we have...before SWAT comes in?"

He looked away. "Not long," he muttered in his deep voice. I could tell he was thinking so I didn't interrupt. I thought about finding Gaster but asking G seemed like a bad idea.

My mind wandered back to Detective Mullins. I wondered what he was doing right now. Was he still going after Chara? Mullins was the kind of guy who needed truth. The guy who would die before he let a lie live. I just hoped Chara wouldn't kill him.

"Let's go," G said. His shoulder brushed against mine and I felt a small tingle pass from him to me, like a shock.

G stood up but had to crouch to keep from hitting the roof. Luckily, I was short enough to be able to stand up strait and stretch with out hitting anything. G huffed, annoyed, and wrapped his arm around my waist.

We teleported down. I groaned and leaned against G. I could here the smirk in his voice as he said, "Humans don't take too well to teleporting do they?"

He kept his arm around my waist, supporting me.

"How are we going to find him?" I asked gently, to distract myself from the pain.

G grunted but didn't answer. He lead me along the prison, we continued walking and walking but unlike the past few days, G kept me closer, lifting me over the junk on the floor instead of letting me jump over it.

It was faster this way but also distracting, being so close to G.

Waling through the prison was like walking through a never-ending, never changing maze in the dark. The emergency lights were dim and buzzed noisily above us.

For a while we walked in silence but that quickly grew tiring. G nudged me with his hip, "Where are you from Dove?"

I looked up at him. There was no ill intention in his eyes so I told him, " Here in Montana. You?"

"I was born in Boston," he said, mimicking a perfect accent.

I giggled. G stared at me. "What?" I asked, blushing.

"Nothing," he said but it was clearly something.

"Hey," I said, bumping him with my hip. "You never told me why you're in here." Did I really want to know?

Smirking, he said, "Well you still haven't told me what a little home town girl like you is doing here either." He chuckled darkly. "But unlike you sweetheart, I promise I deserve this." He said with a carefree air to it, like he didn't care.

G cocked his head and looked at me.

"Okay, seriously! What?" I snapped.

He laughed and slung his arm around my shoulders. "My brother would adore you."

"Papyrus right?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah, that's right. Undyne told you?"

"No but he's your brother....and her friend?"

G didn't say anything. I didn't want to ask about Undyne's eye so instead I asked, "What's he like?"

A little smile crossed G's face. "He's the most innocent thing you'll ever meet. More innocent then you even." I smiled. G pulled out another cigarette. He was lucky he didn't have lungs. "The only thing he'll ever eat is spaghetti."

"The only thing?" I asked unbelievingly.

"The only thing," he said solemnly. "He got mad at me when I tried to make him eat a hotdog."

"He doesn't eat cake?" I asked with a giggle.

G laughed, "Nope, the idea of anything else other than spaghetti insults him."

"So how old is he?"

He smirked. "We're monsters sweetheart. Most of us are older than your great-great-great grandparents."

"Wow," I exaggerated, "I'm going to have to start calling you grandpa."

He poked me in the side playfully. "Don't you dare."

I laughed again but then we passed a dark cell. Its walls were darker than the rested, coated in slick blood. I looked away, feeling sick. G looked at it with almost amusement and the moment faded.

"How long do you have here," I asked, my voice softer now.

"A couple months."


"What'da 'bout you?" he asked. He was looking at me through his glowing iris.

"Twenty-five years at least."

"Wow," G said. "The judge didn't even hate me that much."

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