Let It Go

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I walked behind G solemnly, madly wondering what had him so upset. So when Undyne and Alphys had fallen behind, talking about what they'd rather be doing right now, I ran up behind him.

"Hey," I said crossly, "What's your problem?" That defiantly was not the right way to phrase it but I didn't care. I didn't deserve his current treatment and I wanted answers.

His fists clenched inside his pockets but he said nothing.

"Seriously G," I complained, getting angrier "What's going on with you?"

"What's wrong with me?" he muttered so low I almost didn't hear him. "What's wrong with me?" he growled, getting louder.

"That's what I asked," I replied but my bravado was slipping.

"I cannot believe you Frisk!" he shouted, slamming his hand against the wall, pinning me down with an angry stare. I jumped, frightened, but only for a moment.

"Hey," Undyne called from far behind us. I heard her footsteps quicken towards us. "G get away from her," she yelled out angrily but her voice faded as G teleported us away.

I was still pinned against a wall but this time there was a window besides me. We were back in the hospital ward. "Do you know how incredibly stupid you are?" He demanded hotly.

"I am not stupid!" I yelled back, frustration surging through me like electricity. "Has you ego expanded so far you can't just say thank you?"

"For what, you risking your life? Do you know what would happened to me if you died in there?" He yelled.

"Do you know what would happen to you if stayed in there?" I shouted back. A fierce surge of anger and fear drove through me. I shoved G back. "You're not exactly their friend G. Stefano would have had your thick skull!"

"I can take care of myself."

"You barely function," I growled. "You're so lost in violence and anger you can barely contain it."

"I don't give a..."

"What is wrong with you?" I shouted loudly, my voice ringing off the concrete walls, "Did you want me to leave you there? To die?"

He lunged forward, devouring the space between us. "Whatever they would have done to me would not be as bad as what they'd have done to you," he spoke under his breathe now. "This isn't kindergarten Frisk. Those are grown men, scum. Absolute filth. They'd abuse you before they killed you Frisk. You want a thank you for that?"

"Don't," I snapped, "treat me like a child. I know what they are and I know what you are," I scowled. "I'm an adult G and you will treat me like one."

He stepped back and we looked at each other, both uncertain. He sighed and rubbed the back of his skull agitatedly. "I just want you to go home sweetheart."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "I don't have one." Turning on my heel, I walked out of the small room into the medical hall. I picked the one that would most likely lead me out into the cells and stormed away. I was angry, hurt, and confused.

I did what I had to do to protect my friends and the idiot skeleton I loved. I wouldn't take that back and I'd do it again. Personal risk was no longer my biggest concern. I had nothing to go back to, there was no need to stay safe.

The roles had been reversed and this time G trailed behind me. Our soft footsteps echoed through the hall, the soft pattering calming. I listened to them as I breathed, trying to use the air in my lungs to flush out these overwhelming feelings trapped in my chest.

It occurred to me, once I reached the beginning of the cells, that I had no idea where I was going. Each prison cell looked the same to me.

Just before I stepped out, deciding I might as well just take a left, G's large hands gently closed over my shoulder, stopping me. Gently, he pulled me back until I was barely lined up against him. "You have a home," he said softly but his words were strong. His arm snaked around me. Tucking my brown hair behind my ear he said, "with me."

I held onto his arm and hung my head. "Do you trust me?" he asked.

"Yes," I murmured, not ready to give in to him yet.

"Then let me get you out of here," he whispered, "Stay with me and we can put our pasts behind us."

"Can we really?" I asked, disbelieving.

He let go and held out his hand to me. I knew what he was offering me but I didn't know if it would hold through.

Still, I slipped my hand in his and felt the world slip out of proportion for an extended moment as he teleported us.

I was still holding his hand when he walked me past Gaster, who was wide awake and staring at us with a fiery hate in his eyes. G ignored Gaster's muffled complaints and struggles.

He gently lifted me up into the top bunk and followed in behind me. As I laid my head on the pillow, he aligned himself with me, his hand resting protectively on my stomach. "Go to sleep," he murmured in my ear.

I sighed, closing my eyes, I turned in on him, giving in completely into his comfort and warmth.

"Promise me one thing?" I said, sounding small.

"What's that?" He whispered.

"Promise, no matter home much we fight, we never leave it until it can't go."

"Promise," he said. I started to fall away. "I love you," he said as I gave in to exhaustion.

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