Please Sweetheart

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"Frisk?" the door clicked open and shut gently. G's voice was differently from earlier, the need for blood no longer evident.

I didn't look up or say anything. Silent tears dropped down my cheeks as I tried to wipe the images of G covered in blood from my mind. The scene clung to my mind like a bug in a web unable to escape.

I didn't understand this feeling. I knew G was a criminal. I knew he killed people for a living, I knew that there was a part of him inside that was cold. I understood that fact from the moment I met him so why did I feel betrayed?

I heard him kneel in front of me. "Come on Frisk, look at me?

He spoke softly but I couldn't forget what I had seen that easily.

"Go away," I muttered, still hiding my face.

I felt G's hands on my shoulders. He leaned his head against mine. "Please don't be mad. I was just trying to protect us," he whispered. He sounded upset...guilty?

I didn't move. Tears dropped faster, like rain, making puddles on my jumper.

G stayed there with me for a while. Neither of us moving until he finally released my shoulders. "Fine! Be an a**hole." He left, slamming the door behind him. My skin felt cold where his hands had once been but my heart burned with even more hurt.

I sighed, listening to the sound of mumbling that leaked through the door. I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying but they still sounded angry.

Pressure from crying pushed down on my skull, creating another stress. Leaning against the cool wall, I focused on the pain in my head instead of the pain in my heart. It couldn't fully take away what I felt but the small gift of mercy was enough for me to relax some.

I listened to them argue outside the door.

"Enough!" Undyne boomed. That was the only word I was able to make out from their conversation. After that everything went silent.

It was dark and stuffy in the closet but I couldn't bring myself to leave.

Closing my eyes, I shifted into a less uncomfortable position. It felt like I had been alone in that room for a full day, the dark confusing my senses and my headache smothering any sentiment of calm.

Blood flashed over and over in my mind. I tried to shut it out but nothing stopped the dark image of a knife in Chara's hand, blood dripping off of it. Cruelly, my mind switched back and forth between the picture of G and the Chara. It was a unique experience of torture that would come back just when I thought it had stopped.

I was glad no one was in the closet with me to witness my break down. Curling into the smallest ball I could, I waited for the next attack.

Just when I was about to finally find some peace in sleep, the door cracked open. My body tensed and I waited with baited breathe, forgetting for a moment where I was.

Then G's voice floated inside, "You're on watch Gaster. Try not to run off. It would be a shame if I had to chase you down," G's voice got low and cold, "Who knows what might happen."

"Yeah, yeah. I get it son, you need some alone time with your girl. No need for threats." Even though Gaster was being cheeky, I could here the tightness in his voice.

"I'm not your son." G sighed like the weight of the world rested on his shoulders. Out of the blue he said, "I gonna kill you someday."

"I don't think your girlfriend would like that," Gaster scoffed. "Or maybe she would."

G's voice changed, becoming strained, "She didn't do it." I felt a small flutter of hope ignite in my chest.

"She's got you wrapped around her finger. She's using you."

"Bite me."

G stomped into the closet, the door clicking closed behind him. I closed my eyes and tried to breath normally.

"Frisk?" He sighed in annoyance when I didn't answer. He moved to the back of the closet, which was two inches away from me.

Sudden guilt welled up in me for the way I was treating him. I swallowed my tears, biting my lower lip viciously.

I felt his foot nudge my leg. "I know your awake dove. You can't ignore me forever." He said it as if he didn't believe it. My lip trembled.

He scooted closer. His hand slowly closed around mine. I allowed my fingers to curl around his. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you," he murmured against my hair. "I only wanted to keep the overhang," he paused, "To keep you safe there." He pushed back my hair, his smooth fingers brushing across my skin. "I'm really sorry Frisk. Please forgive me?" The vulnerability in his voice, in the way he touched me, shocked me. My heart shook with every breath he took against my skin.

"Please sweetheart," his strong voice broke and G crumbled in front of me.

I couldn't take it anymore. Tears in my eyes, I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry G," I cried into his neck. He wrapped his arms around my back, tightly holding me against him. I crumbled into him, letting G pull me onto his lap. "I was being an a**hole." G stiffened a little.

"Yeah," he sighed, "I didn't mean that Dove."

I grasped him a little tighter. "But you were right."

G kissed my head, his lips only whispering against my skin. My face flushed warmly as I reached my hand up cupping his cheek. He let me pull him down into a slow kiss.

When I let go for a breath, he pulled me back into a hug, whispering into my ear, "My Dove."

Then Undyne screamed.

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