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I woke up slumped over in a chair. My body and mind ached and there was a fog concealing any conceivable thought from being recalled. My lungs felt tight like I had been crushing them while I slept.

I uncurled myself, opening my body to the cold, stale air, letting it rush in and sting my lungs. It felt like being lacerated from the inside.

But none of it mattered because I opened my eyes but G's were still closed. He wasn't dead. I knew that now because he moved, although only in small increments like a twitch of his fingers. Other than that he was comatose.

I sighed, brushing the sweaty hair out of my face and looked around. On the ground at my feet was the book I found earlier. Out of a need of distraction, I had picked it up and begun to read. It was about medicine for rare monsters.

I didn't know if skeletons were rare but I'd only heard of three of them so the book looked like a decent shot. I had already browsed through half of its pages and the entire index but so far nothing.

I sighed again and picked it up.

"What happened G?" I asked for the hundredth time, no longer hoping for a reply.

Thumbing through the barely touched pages once again, I resumed the passive scanning, hoping that by some God-given miracle he would wake up. I was starting to doubt it.

I had almost finished the book when a low groan echoed into the room. I gasped, dropping the book and covering my mouth to keep in a scream.

The moan was G's. I quickly moved besides him and held his face firmly.

"G! G! Can you hear me? Wake up!" He moaned again but his head fell slack against the pillow.

I covered my mouth with trembling fingers, trying not to cry. Taking G's cooling hand, I sat as still as he was.

He didn't move again and eventually I moved back to my chair. I held the heavy book in my lap but I didn't read it. If anything was in there, I would have found it.

I fell asleep again but this time it was restless. I dreamed fearfully of black sparks of magic in a black room and bare hands reaching for me, grasping me and throwing me around. I could almost feel the sensation of my head connecting with invisible walls.

I woke up in a cold sweat, frightened and alone, even more so after seeing G hadn't moved. I shivered and pulled my thin jumpsuit around myself tightly.

The only warmth I had was where the book sat on my lap, reflecting my exhaled body heat.

In my sleep I had tossed through the pages. I sighed, sitting up to glance better at the picture. A small monster was scrawled on the page. It was the sort of shape and size of a chameleon except it was all black and jagged, ice like fangs protruded out of its upper lip.

I shivered again and turned the page. My fingers tightened around the frail paper, almost ripping it. A hand sketched diagram of a skeleton filled the page. I stopped breathing, trying to hold my anticipation inside my lungs.

With panicked speed I read through the short paragraphs and then read through them again.


There was nothing but basic information. It detailed how powerful skeletons tended to be, how they differed from human skeleton form. But nothing useful. Nothing on what would cause G to keel over like he was dead.

I flicked through more pages but that one page was all there was on skeletons.

I sighed, turning the last page, ready for this fight to be over. To my surprise, it wasn't a monster on the last pages. A sketch of a machine held the left page and on the right was neatly scrawled information.

Intrigued, I glanced at G and then began to read. The machine was called a barrier. It looked like two metal rails. Placed far apart from each other, something was running in between them. A magic repellent field. It worked like a pair of magnets, if the magnets were facing a opposite charge. Magic worked as the positive side of magnet to the negative side of the barrier. They repelled each other, harming the magic's host in the process.

I bounced with excitement when I read the symptoms list. Looking up once more at G with a smile I said, "Gottcha."

The effects of the barrier wear off on their own but it takes days. I didn't think Undyne and Alphys had that long. There was a way to wake him up artificially.

Waking someone up from the induced coma was painful for them but easy enough for me to do.

I located the specific syringe easily. The large needle shined slickly underneath its plastic casing. Its glass chamber was cool inside my palm as I carried it over to G. The flickering lights irritated my eyes as I tried to read the right dosage of the purple liquid I was filling into the needle. It sloshed nervously inside as I pushed the air out of the needle.

Going back to the skeleton page, I found a small notation describing where to give a shot.

With a steady calm, I exposed his arm and found the spot easily. I placed the tip near the inner elbow and let out a slow breath. "I better be right," I mumbled, already hating myself.

I winced as the needle pressed into his bone and I pushed the liquid into his system.

The needle pulled out clean and not a drop of blood beaded up on G's arms but I left the sleeve up to observe anyways.

I waited patiently but nothing happened. Wilting into my chair, I covered my face with my hands and felt a small drop of salt and water slide between them.

"I don't know what to do anymore," I cried pitifully. Hunkering down into the mesh of the chair, I closed my wet eyes and fell asleep.


"No, no," I heard someone groan.

It didn't register so I kept my eyes closed. If someone was coming that was fine by me.

But then someone called my name. I opened an eye and my mouth fell open in shock.

G was writhing on the hospital bed, cursing and moaning.

"G!" I shouted, bolting over to his bed.

"Frisk," he mumbled, "Where are, Ah!" he gasped. "I can't..."

"I'm right here," I said touching his temple. "Are you okay?" I asked, willing for it to be true.

"No," he panted shortly. "Ah! This really hurts!"

I realized what was happening and winced, self hate flooding my system. "I know, I know," I said, pining his arms to the bed to keep him from accidentally knocking me off.

He growled, his back arching in pain. "Just hang in G. It'll wear off."

"What will?" he asked angrily.

"You touched a barrier G. You're just getting over it."

"What?" he snapped.

I sighed, grabbing his head, I brought my forehead against his, unable to stop my tears from falling against him. "Just hold on. Okay?" I cried.

He squeezed my arms, crying out in pain.

"It'll be okay," I said.

Falsely Convicted  (G!SansxFrisk)Where stories live. Discover now