The Aftermath

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G stroked my hair letting me cry even though I knew we couldn't stay there long.

"I'm sorry Frisk," he murmured. "I'm right 'ere for ya." Those words only made me hurt worse. No one ever has ever cared for me like this before and now that I have someone he can be ripped away so easily, just like Undyne.

I pulled closer to him, unwilling to let go of him. "Don't leave me G," I cried.

He hesitated before lowering his head. "Never," he whispered in my ear. I sighed and released him a little. He still held tightly to me. "Never," he repeated, louder this time.

We sat there for what felt like hours before I noticed the sunlight. "G?"


"Where are we?"

"The hospital ward."

"Is that the sun?"

G turned to look. "Yup." He smiled. "I haven't seen that in a while."

"Me neither."

Taking my hands in his, he pulled me up, guiding me over to the window. The only view was that of the prison yard, the window specifically positioned to deny any view of the outside world but the sun still shone brightly through.

I didn't have any determination left, but there was still hope. The sun seemed to pierce the pain of loss that that had settled in my chest. It didn't eradicate that pain though, which still draped itself in my chest, squeezing my heart like someone tugging at a string. My lungs felt constricted and my stomach hurt.

After watching the sun set, G brought me to the very back of the ward, another little hiding spot he knew. If someone were looking hard it would be easy to find but it would do for the night.

G helped me up and got me settled before he lay down in front of me. His hands reached out and I unfalteringly fell into them. He held me as I fell asleep, letting the darkness ebb the pain.

In the morning, G was nowhere to be seen. The concrete was cold and lonely under my stiff body.

A new pain accompanied the loss of Undyne. Where was Alphys? I didn't see her the whole time Undyne and I were fighting.I bit my lip, biding back tears.

Instead of crying, I hoped off the ledge but when my feet hit the ground, a strong pain awoke in my chest. It was more physical than emotional.

Groaning, I got up, clutching my jumper, I stepped towards the mirror at the end of the small room.

Sunlight filtered in, glowing off the mirror's frame and blinding me for a moment. I stood still in the cold sunlight waiting for my eyes to adjust.

When I finally had, I undid my jumper, tying the sleeves around my waist. The thin, white tank did nothing to cover me decently but that wasn't my worst problem.

I gaped at the reflection in the mirror. Cuts and scrapes ran up my arms and on my face. My hair was a mess and a thick layer of grime covered every inch of me.

Still, that wasn't the worst of it. Covering my chest and certain places on my neck, were dark black and purple bruises. I touched a spot and immediately pulled my hand away, gasping in pain. Whenever I took a breath, my chest hurt like something was pushing against it from the inside. This was deeper than a bruise.

I stared at the image in front of me again. Why did Gaster do this to me? What did he mean by "I won't let you do this." ?

"What the..." a deep voice growled. I looked at the corner of the mirror where it held G's shocked expression. He threw his cigarette and whatever he was holding in his other hand.

Falsely Convicted  (G!SansxFrisk)Where stories live. Discover now