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I stared at the empty frame where the man stood, his empty words echoing around in my head, "If I see yer followin' us, he gets two to 'is skull."

My head spun wildly and nausea pushed me down on the bed. I tried to breathe but I felt as if someone had grabbed a hold of lungs and squeezed.

G resigned easily when the man walked in. I didn't understand it, he always fought.

I hadn't realized till now that I had forgotten how badly I wanted out of here. I couldn't fight like these prisoners could. I wasn't as cold or as cruel. I wasn't built to handle theses kinds of situations.

My head ached wretchedly so carefully, I stood up and walked to the medicine cabinet. I downed four and sat back down, staring glumly at the floor.

I felt terrible. My gut wretched with guilt and regret but I wasn't moping. I was waiting for my head to clear so I could go.

They were long gone by now, I didn't dare follow him, and again, G told me to stay. But I had a decent idea of where they would be. I also had bothered to find a map since I lost G's extensive knowledge of the prison grounds.

Once the aspirin set I was off. I stayed low, ducking without losing visibility. Clinging to the bars, I peered over cots to see around corners as I went, making it there without having to consult the map.

I went back at the prisoner's makeshift meeting room. I listened carefully outside the door but what I heard didn't make much sense. "What is that?" I whispered quietly and I looked for a way up to the tall window. There was none.

The soft noise continued steadily. I thought maybe I heard a snore but I couldn't be sure.

I knew for sure though that it wasn't voices like last time. I also knew G wouldn't be left alone, if he was in there.

But there was only one way to be sure, so slowly, I opened the large door a crack and peered in.

The first thing I saw was the large mass of boxes at the back, just like last time. It was also full of people and monsters, like last time as well, but at the moment they were all asleep.

Fear coiled around me like a snake but I didn't give in. Listening carefully for movement, I heard nothing but small shifts and snores. I couldn't see G or Undyne and Alphys but I was determined to find them. If the whole prison was in here, maybe they were to.

I held my breath and slipped in, leaving the door open just slightly. It was dark throughout the entire room but my eyes were already accustomed to the nighttime.

Still, I had to very careful not to step on someone. One wrong move, if I woke anyone, I was dead where I stood.

I could tell instantly they weren't anywhere in front of the room. Even though it was warm inside there, I was cold. Trying not to shake and make noise, I walked deeper in, staying close to the wall.

A hand flung itself across my shoe and I almost screamed. Clamping a hand over my mouth, I realized I was hyperventilating.

Scared they could hear my heart pounding, I pulled my foot out from under the sleeping man's hand and stepped over him.

Constantly looking over my shoulder, I prayed no one would wake up right then. I stopped, directly across the mound where Stefano was sleeping. Two 'guards' sat at the base, sleeping. I looked curiously at the man who had caused me so much trouble. Even in the dark, I could see his bright silver hair. His face was too young for that color. He mumbled quietly but didn't open his eyes. He was open and unprotected.

Falsely Convicted  (G!SansxFrisk)Where stories live. Discover now