On the Yard

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Back in my cell, Undyne prodded me about my visitor. Alphys was curious to but was too shy to ask. She smiled and folded her hands while Undyne badgered me about it.

"Alright! Alright!" I said, putting my hands up in surrender. I gave her a quick recount and watched as her eyebrows went up in shock.

"So you really are innocent?"

"Well, yeah," I said, fumbling with my thumbs.

"So why are you in here?" Alphys mumbled.

"I covered for..."

"For who?" Undyne wasn't having it. She really wanted to know.

"My sister."

Undyne remembered the visit from before. "Why?" she asked incredulously.

I sighed, "Because she's my sister."

"She's a little punk," Undyne snarled. "She needs a beating."

I winced, remembering a kid from school that thought that to. It didn't end well for him.

"It's better just to stay out of her way," I said in a deflated tone. The reality was beginning to hit me. There was no way I could go up against Chara. In prison or not, she was dangerous and she'd have it out for me.

"Whatever," Undyne said, bored now.

The yard time bell went off but none of us moved. Not one of us had bothered to move. We hadn't been outside in at least a month so none of us were prepared for a guard opening the door and ordering us out. None of moved at first or at all until the guard pulled a bat out of his belt and threatened us with it. Undyne jumped up, ready for a fight but I pulled her and Alphys out into the hall with all the rushing prisoners.

We were pushed at a pace faster than normal as the prisoners ran past us, rushing/fighting to get outside. I winced as someone dug their pointy claws into my side, flinging me back into Undyne. She caught me and passed me over Alphys. Undyne disappeared into the crowd.

I looked nervously at Alphys, who was sweating from all the running. As soon as we made it out side, I claimed and empty area of the fence and made Alphys catch her breath. "You okay?" I asked when her breathing wasn't as heavy.

"Y...yeah," she answered breathily.

I squeezed her arm and turned my attention away to scan the crowd for Undyne. My attention wavered when I noticed the glint of light off a shiny piece of metal. Since everything in the prison was covered in rust, I turned to look.

The alligator man Undyne tested me on was hold a knife to a human's throat. He smiled, blood lust clear in his eyes. The human said nothing, glaring back, refusing to back down but not fighting either. I waited with bated breath, hoping this wouldn't end messily.

A silver-haired man I hadn't noticed, walked past me, glancing at me from the corners of his light blue eyes. Then he stepped up to the alligator man and put a hand on his shoulder. It was more of a threatening gesture than anything else. The man whispered something stern in the monster's ear. I watched in amazement as the monster nodded sheepishly and backed off.

"Hey," Undyne said snappishly in front of me.

"Oh, Undyne! Where were y..." I saw flecks of blood spattering her jumpsuit. She was hiding her hands in her pockets. I decided it was better not to ask. Feeling sorry for whoever she attacked, I asked, "Who is that?"


I nodded my head over to where the silver-haired man had been standing but he was gone now. "Never mind."

"Whatever Pet. Are you okay Alphys?"

"Yeah, j...just fine."

Undyne pushed herself between Alphys and I and asked me, "What'd you see?"

I told her what I had just witnessed and from Alphys's wide eyes I could tell I was the only witness. When I described the man to Undyne her eyes narrowed. She stood up taller and crossed her arms over her chest.

"You sure about that?" she asked after I described him.

"Yep. Who was he?"

All Undyne would say was, "Trouble."

After a while of badgering her, I gave up and turned my attention to the crowded prisoners. There was a strange energy that vibrated in the air. The yard wasn't as noisy and there were less fights, minus the knife incident. Prisoners stood in large groups, talking within themselves. Even some rival gangs were talking peacefully.

Undyne and I glanced at each other, neither of us liked this.

Undyne, Alphys, and I watched them all warily, also listening intently, hoping for some information. Every one seemed wary of us as well, keeping a good distance away, far enough that we couldn't overhear anything.

There was only one other creature besides us that wasn't involved. The creature was G. He was leaning against the concrete/brick with one boot propped up against the wall. Smoking a cigarette, I could see his glowing iris through the thick smoke; he was glaring at me. When he caught my eye, he smiled wickedly and winked.

I frowned in disgust and looked up at Undyne to find her glaring at G. "I hate him," she muttered under her breath, more to herself than to me.

G stood up as if he was going to come over here. Undyne noticed and quickly moved Alphys and I to another spot on the fence. We were concealed by the thick rows of prisoners but I could hear G laughing cruelly.

The prisoners talked among each other until the bell rang, signaling us inside. Undyne had gone in among the prisoners to find out what was going on. She didn't get any useful information but she seemed more relaxed. I guessed it had to do with the increase in blood spatter on her jumpsuit.

Suddenly G was only a couple feet away from us. He waved as he passed; all the prisoners threw themselves out of his way as he walked. "See you later Dove," he called back to me, earning me many glares from most of the female prisoners.

"Great," I groaned. Undyne clamped a hand on my shoulder and pushed me forward.

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