On the Overhang

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I stood alone with G after they had gone. Gaster had instructed Undyne where to go and they all left.

G lit up a cigarette and leaned against a still standing cell. Kicking up a leg against the bars, he held his cig between two fingers and smoked agitatedly.

I stood next to him but not too close. He needed space. Teleporting heavy boxes as much as he had had really worn him out. Not to mention the extra toll his dad and Undyne took out on him. Alphys didn't seem to bother him, but then, she could barely look at him.

G looked at me, blowing some smoke this way. "Hey," he said in a thick, tired voice.

I smiled and stepped closer. "What's up G?"

He smirked, staring into my eyes. "You alright dove?"

I blushed from the intensity of his lingering gaze. "Yeah, are you?"

I was playing with a strand of hair but G leaned forward and pushed it behind my ear. He shrugged. "I can't say I'm happy with this set up but yeah, I'm alright."

Stepping closer I asked, "Are we going to wait down here for them?"

G's smirk became larger, "Why? Nervous someone's gonna come get 'cha?" he teased playfully, dropping his cigarette to the ground.

"No." I gave him a playful shove. He laughed and grabbed me around the waist. The movement was swift and sudden, causing me to trip and fall onto G's chest.

I heard his smirk grow even larger. Without letting me pull away he said, "Let's go doll."

Then he teleported us up to the overhang. I was becoming more accustomed to teleporting but it still made me dizzy. When I recovered, I found myself on my knees, sitting on G's lap.

"S...sorry," I mumbled, embarrassed. A pink flush made its way over my cheeks.

I moved to get off of him but he placed a hand firmly on my waist. My skin tingled under his bare touch. I looked at G in surprise, my pink blush turning red.

"Frisk," he said huskily, brushing my hair out of my face.

My lip trembled nervously. G smirked and placed a finger under my chin. Leading me closer, he held my face so close to his I could feel the heat coming off of him. Cupping my cheek in his hand, he gently pulled me forward the rest of the way. The world became blurry around me.

His mouth closed over mine. Tenderly, he kissed me, tangling his hand in my hair. He tasted like cigarettes and something sweet.

I place my hands on his chest. He growled softly and I felt the vibration under my hands. His other hand slid over my hips, pulling me closer. He was soft but demanding. I opened my mouth a little and his tongue touched mine. I moaned softly and he gripped me tighter. I wrapped my arms under his shoulders and pulled myself closer.

"G," I moaned and he pulled me all the way against him. His hand grasped my head tightly and he kissed me harder.

We stayed like that for a while, only breaking apart when we heard Undyne's sharp voice below us. "Bonehead, come get us!" she shouted. G sighed but didn't let me go.

Resting my chin on his collarbone, blushing a bright pink, I said, "You have to go get her."

Looking down at me, G growled and ran his hand down my back. I shivered under his smooth touch. He smirked and planted a small kiss on my lips then I slid off him and he teleported down.

He materialized again with Alphys, Undyne, and a box of medical supplies. Undyne's muscles strained against the box's weight. G looked worn out and about ready to drop dead.

Getting up hurriedly, I helped Undyne set down the box and then brought G to our little corner. I folded the blanket into a little pillow for him. He fell asleep immediately.

All the while I felt Undyne's glare burning into the back of my head. When I turned around, she stood with her arms folded and eyes narrowed.

"What?" I asked with a shrug. I hoped she couldn't guess what had happened before.

"He's turned you into his little servant," she growled, casting a dirty glance at G.

"Don't be silly Undyne. I just gave him something to sleep on. Look at him, he's exhausted."

She sighed and shook her head. "You're to nice punk. Especially to scum like him."

I bit back any response; I didn't want to fight with Undyne. Instead I came over to sit by her and Alphys. "So where were you guys when the revolt started?"

"The yard," Undyne yawned. "Our time wasn't even up yet but the guards started calling us in. They wanted to contain as many prisoners as they could but most of the people on the yard were in on it. They attacked and killed all the guards."

"How did you survive?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper. Leaning forward, I was gripping the edge of the box.

"They were too busy fighting the guards to notice us." Alphys nodded along with what Undyne was saying, a pained expression on her face.  "We were moving away from the fights. There were so many all over the prison. We were looking for shelter when we ran into the w...Gaster. And well," she smiled cruelly. "Let's just not say. How 'bout that." I nodded, not really wanting to know.

Alphys sighed and I looked at her. "I w..wish I k..kn...knew who..o is in ch...charge," she stuttered contemplatingly.

"Don Stefano," I whispered, in case G was listening.

Undyne's eyes widened. "How do you know?" she asked, casting a suspicious glance at G.

"He's not in on this," I said confidently.

"How do you know?" she snapped.

I took a deep breath. "Because," I said exaggeratedly, "A monster we came across told us that Stefano had an order out for him."

"He just told you this?" Undyne asked unbelievingly.

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you think?"

"I think," a dark voice said from behind me, "that we have a problem."

We all jumped a whirled around. Gaster was standing at his full height, glaring down at us. More specifically, glaring at me.

A flash of light glinted off of something in his hand and I gasped fearfully. It was a knife.

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