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Undyne was fuming. The entire way back to our cell, she stomped hard and kept her fists clenched. I followed at a semi-safe distance, never getting within six feet of her. We walked in silence all the way to our small cell.

Undyne stopped in front of the open hole and scowled at the empty room. She let out a frightening yell and punched the wall. I jumped, expecting her skin to be torn open and bloody. Instead, it was covered in rocks and plaster. She had some scrapes but that was it. The wall suffered a worse fate, now cracked and a brick starting to shift out of its place.

She stomped into our cell and jumped onto her cot. I could hear her muttering angrily above me but I couldn't make out what she was saying. I slipped into my cot and pulled the thin, ratty blanket.

I felt cold, partially because I was scared of Undyne's mood but mostly because of G. The way his eyes sunk into me froze me to the core. His smile was cold and heartless. I felt sick to think about it. For the first time, I was glad there wasn't a recess after lunch. At least I wouldn't have to see him out there.

I tried to sleep but Undyne's muttering above me kept me wide-awake. I wanted to ask her if she was okay and try to soothe her but I was afraid of setting of a reaction. So I laid in my cot, cold and frightened, wondering if this was what I was facing for the next twenty-five years.

It didn't seem fair that I had to pay for Chara's crime but what could I do? If I turned her in our mom would disown me. Chara was her good girl, the sweet heart. I was the mess-up. There was no competing with Chara for space in that woman's heart but after years of pain, I didn't care anymore.

But somehow, I did. I wasn't upset that my family didn't care about me. What upset me was the fact that I had no one. Not one person (or monster) on this could I place some trust in. I was alone in this.

I closed my eyes a prayed for a while, asking for a miracle.

The prison intercom crackled. I opened my eyes. "Congratulations," the warden's smooth voice announced over the prison. "It seems you guys got lucky this time. I found a rat. Your punishment is over until next time."

I sat up, sick.

The cell bars opened up and guards started directing prisoners out. "Hey! You goin' out?" demanded a guard who was banging on our cell bars.

I scooted back against the wall afraid to go. Undyne dropped down besides me and growled, "Beat it punk." Frightened, I headed towards the guard. "You shouldn't be in here if I snap," I heard Undyne murmur, not meaning for me to hear.

I started to walk in line with the other prisoners. "Hey, get out!" I heard the guard yell at Undyne. The next thing I heard was cursing, screaming, yelling, and then a sickening crunch. I hurried along but I was still indecisive. Was it better to be in the cell with an angry Undyne or outside with the cruel G?

"Move it Sh**head," yelled someone, shoving my shoulder. I walked a little faster and finally made it outside. Which was a whole other world.

I wondered if I should go lift weights like Undyne had demanded I do before the punishment. I decided against it because large criminals, monster and human, dominated the weight station. The fence Undyne, Alphys, and I were against last time was now lined with even more angry looking criminals.

I suddenly felt claustrophobic. Searching, slightly frantic, I looked for an empty space. I found it in a small corner of the prison's outside. The corner was a small nook in the prison's wall and was blocked off by the fence. Inside, I couldn't see any of the prisoners but they couldn't see me either so I decided it was good for now.

I ducked in and backed up against the ball. Resting my arms on legs, I set my head down and bit my lip. Exhaustion over took my body and a small tear slipped down my face. Twenty-five years of this.

"So you're Undyne's new pet. Guess she got tiered of the other one," a cruel voice spoke from above me. I looked up, startled, to find G smiling wickedly down at me. "Hey there dove." I frowned but didn't say anything.

He put a hand on the wall and leaned down, blowing cigarette smoke in my face. I coughed. How did he get those anyways? Putting a hand under my chin, he pulled my face up, inspecting me. "What kind of pet are you? A dog?" I yanked my face out of his hand and scowled at him, knowing immediately it was a mistake. He stepped forward, threateningly. "What use does she have for a thing like you huh?" He cocked his head. "You mute or dumb?"

"What do you want?" I asked, surprised my voice was steady and didn't snap.

"What is Undyne using you for?" he growled crouching in front of me.

I scooted back and said, "She's not using me."

"Then you wouldn't be alive dove. Try again," his smile disappeared. I didn't say anything. He scowled. Flicking his cigarette onto the ground, he snuffed it out with his boot and closed the space. Grabbing my shirt collar, he lifted me up and slammed me back into the wall.

I cried out a little as pain racked through my head, shoulders, and back. He laughed. I felt the warm trickle of blood running through my hair. "What is Undyne planning to do with ya kiddo?"

I react differently to physical pain and threat than most people. While someone else might get scared and compliant in situations like this, I get angry and disobedient.

I crossed my arms and scowled down at him. He was tall and obviously very strong if he could hold me up over his head. I didn't answer.

"I'm gettin' the answer out of ya one way or the other dove. Wouldn't want me to ruffle your feathers would ya?" He chuckled lightly at his own joke.

"Scared?" I asked even though my mind was screaming at me to shut up.

That pissed him off. He threw against the wall and I fell to the ground. A second later, G's boot came swinging hard into my stomach. He kicked me again and didn't seem to plan on stopping until the bell rang.

He laughed. "See you around kiddo."

I was shaking with anger and pain as I got up. My hands on my stomach, I starting coughing, spitting blood onto the concrete.

Pain overtook my body as I stood up but never the less, I walked out, almost doubling over, and made it back into the prison.

Falsely Convicted  (G!SansxFrisk)Where stories live. Discover now