Recovery & A Visit

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I got back to my cell at the same time Alphys was being brought in. As soon as the chains were unlocked, I rushed to Alphys and grabbed her in a big hug. "Are you okay?" I asked and then let go. Undyne scooped Alphys up into a hug before she could answer. I giggled as Undyne swung Alphys around and then set her down on her cot.

"I'm okay," she said but immediately started coughing. I made her lie down and asked her what the doctor said. It was a really bad asthma attack. The doctor said it would take a week, at least, for Alphys to recover from it. She wasn't allowed outside and her meals had to be brought to her.

The guards weren't happy about that and decided to make Undyne and I do it. We didn't mind though. For the next week, we ate our meals inside with Alphys and talked with her during yard time. Both Undyne and I were happy about this because we got to stay away from G.

I found out during one of our talks that some of the guards had brought G into our cell, at his request. He attacked Undyne but she said it didn't matter because she had gotten some good hits on him. She told us she had broken his arm. I mentioned that I saw him on the way to the warden's office and hadn't seen a cast. Undyne shrugged it off and decided that he just healed quickly. I thought that was a little ridiculous but left it alone.

During Alphys's healing time, we plotted about how to get the key. I told them about seeing it and we decided the only time I could snatch it was when the warden called me back. Which meant I had to figure out a way to get him close and keep him close while I snatched the key, took it off the ring, and set the rest of the keys back in his pocket. Defiantly not easy.

It was just another day in the cell. We were sitting together, going over strategies for swiping the key. None of them were good. We were so engrossed in what we were discussing that we didn't notice the guard until after he slapped the back of my head.

For a second Undyne sat there,  as shocked as I was, then she lunged. Grabbing the guard by the collar, she lifted him up and slammed him against the bars. I winced at the sound of his head crashing into metal but I was honored that Undyne wanted to protect me.

"Got a problem?" she snarled at the guard, all her teeth exposed in a deathly grimace.

He tried to chock an answer out but the collar was crushing his neck. I looked around and saw that none of the guards in the prison were willing to help him.

"Undyne," I put a hand on her shoulder, "Let's see what he wants." I spoke softly so I wouldn't upset her and gave her a small smile.

I was more concerned on her behalf than for the guards but that didn't mean I wanted him to choke to death.

She growled. "Fine!" She threw him onto the ground. "Your lucky this little punk doesn't want me to kill you. Touch her again and it won't matter what she wants." Undyne raised her claws symbolically.

"A visitor," the guard managed to cough out, holding his throat.

"She doesn't want to see them," Undyne ordered.

"Just one...a detective," he said.

A couple other guards pulled him out of the cell and then looked at me, waiting for an answer. I looked at Undyne and she shrugged. "You should probably go."

I gave her arm a squeeze as I walked past. I recognized the route to the visiting center. There weren't many prisoners in there and the table with my visitor was in the far corner, where no one could overhear.

There was one man, wearing a brown suit, sitting at the table with his back to me. I walked around the table and was shocked to find Detective Mullins, the officer who investigated my case.

He smiled at me while the guard chained my leg to the table. "How're you doing Frisk?" he asked kindly.

"Where's your partner?" I asked anxiously. His partner was a real jerk of a guy. He was the one convinced I was the one who committed the crime, probably because Chara wound him around her finger. He came after me hard after his interview with Chara. It was his partner, Mullins, who gave me the benefit of the doubt.

"You ready to get out of here?" he asked bluntly.

"You can't do that," I said, curious. Mullins was a very sneaky guy, with cause of course.

"No, but you can." He had a wide smile plastered across his face.

"How?" I trusted Mullins. He did his hardest to keep me out of prison. He even testified against his partner for me. However, I couldn't bring myself to tell him the truth. It wasn't a lack of trust; I couldn't betray Chara. No matter how much she turned on me, hurt me, I always stuck with her. I was the one who held the weight of the 'sisterly bond' and I wasn't ready to let go of that yet.

"I just need you to tell me the truth Frisk." I started to interrupt. "Nope, I know your innocent. We both know you didn't kill that man. Why are you punishing yourself for your sister's crime?"

"I'm not. I did it," I lied.

"Frisk, do you really want to be here? It's only been a month and a half. Look at yourself; you're tiered and you've got cuts all over so that means you've been beaten. These aren't your kind of people Frisk. You're good, you're kind, and you didn't kill that man. Don't you want to be free?"

I sighed knowing there was no arguing with him. "Of course I want to be free...but what about Chara? I can't do this to her."

"Why not? She doesn't care about you. She doesn't care about anyone. Chara is a real narcissist. A psychopath even. She used you and you know it. You need to worry about yourself now Frisk."

"But Mullins." I didn't know what to say.

"No buts. I want you to think it over. I've kept your file back at the precinct but it got sent out today. You're going to be moved up to another cell with a worse prisoner than whomever you're with now. That won't end well for you Frisk." I sighed. "I don't want you to die. I'm going to come back and I'll be expecting your answer." He patted my hand. "Please Frisk. This world needs your light."

I watched Mullins walk out, seriously considering his offer. What if...what if I took it? I smiled as the familiar sense of determination filled my soul.

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