Below the Overhang

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"What's the problem Gaster?" Undyne asked, her voice tight. She had stood up and was slowly edging in front of me.

He fingered the knife, his white, bony fingers a sharp contrast against the black handle. He glanced back at G and said nothing.

Undyne's eyes narrowed, her body tensing tightly. Alphys was sitting behind me, shivering. I bit my lip, my eyes lingering on G before glancing back up at Gaster. He glared at me for a moment before turning his attention to Undyne.

His hand tightened on the handle and that's when I noticed it. There were flecks of blood on Gaster's fingers. He pulled his hand back into his sleeve. He knew I saw it.

"Gaster," Undyne said slowly, lowering herself into a fighting position, "What is the problem?"

Finally, his grip on the knife loosened. "There are search parties looking for us in the main halls," Gaster said, his voice quiet and dark. "I came across three of them but there must be more." His voice became softer, "One of them spotted me." He glanced down at his hidden hand.

Undyne nodded understandingly. "Give me the knife Gaster."

He nodded compliantly. He swung the blade up. I gasped but all he did was flip the blade over, holding out the handle's end to Undyne. I sighed with relief but it was short lived when I caught Gaster smirking at me.

"How big are the parties?" Undyne asked him, diverting his attention.

"Five was the smallest I saw."

"Monsters or humans?"

"Mostly monsters. Boss ones especially."

"Huh. I didn't think Don would give up his protective services," Undyne said chuckling.

Gaster remained serious. He just shrugged and moved to the far corner, opening up something to eat.

Undyne looked at the bag of food and then at me. "Hungry?" she asked. I nodded, relieved that there hadn't been a fight. "Alright does banana chips and jerky sound?"

I smiled, "Like the best meal I've ever had."
Undyne laughed and brought some food over. Undyne, Alphys, and I ate together in silence. For an hour or so everything was quite and still. After eating, Undyne and Alphys fell asleep.

Only Gaster and I were left awake. I kept flicking nervous glances at him but he never addressed me. The only time he bothered to look at me was when I got up to sit closer to G.

Seeing Undyne and Alphys again was wonderful but G had become a source of comfort and safety they couldn't provide.

Gaster glared at me with dark eyes. I stared back innocently, trying to prove I had no ill intentions but that only made him angrier.

I leaned against the wall and felt a tired pressure build behind my eyes but I was too scared to close them.

After a while G shifted next to me. Slowly, he sat up and rubbed his skull, as if he had a headache.

"Hey," I whispered. He flinched but looked up at me with a small smile. I passed him some jerky and water. He moved closer to me, pressing his leg against mine. He didn't look happy though. There was a thoughtful frown on his face and he was resting his skull against the damp wall. His eyes landed on Gaster and his frown turned into a scowl and his mood shifted.

Darkly he glared at Gaster. "What are you looking at?" he snapped, anger laced into his gravely voice.

"You and her," Gaster replied, soft and smooth. The anger was less evident in his voice but it was there.

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