Spilt Blood

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I cleaned the open wound on G's head. It was bleeding fast and hard. I didn't think skeletons could bleed but I guess I was wrong.

G had already cleaned my cut because I was bleeding faster. Now I was pressing down on his skull with an already blood soaked towel. We were in the kitchen but I didn't feel hungry.

G sat, fuming, in a chair. He smoked his cigarette, the noxious fume making me feel even sicker. "What do we do now?" I whispered, to scared make my voice any louder. He flicked any annoyed glance at me then went back to smoking his cigarette.

Fear swam through my veins, leaving my cold and shaking. If G left me behind, there's no chance I'd survive. I flinched, remembering what the alligator said. I didn't even want to think about what these depraved prisoners might do if they got their hands on me. Why did a mob boss even give that order? How did he know about me?

My mind flashed to Undyne and Alphis. I hoped they were okay.

"They'll be sending in a task force to come clean out the prison. They'll send in SWAT and sweep the prison out floor by floor till they've got us all." G kicked his long legs up onto a counter and lit another cigarette. "We'll need somebody on our side to vouch for us. Prove our innocence." G chuckled at the irony.

"Who?" I asked softly, grateful that G was including me in his plan.

"The warden," G hissed, suddenly sour.

I didn't ask anything else. Silently, I kept pressure on G's head until the bleeding stopped. I peeled the towel away. "You're good."

G stood up without a word and stepped out into the hallway. "Let's go Dove."

I came up behind him and stayed close. We snuck through the hallways. At first they were strange but eventually the route began to feel familiar. I realized that we were headed towards the warden's office. I doubted he'd still be there.

We slowed when we heard voices. Peeking around a corner, we saw two monsters and one human standing guard in front of the warden's door.

"Stay," G commanded me.

Without waiting for an answer, he disappeared again and suddenly appeared behind the three guards. They didn't even notice so it came as a surprise when G lifted a metal pipe off the ground and whacked one in the head. I gasped. The one he hit was out cold. The other two charged him but G quickly slid out of the way and got behind them. Bringing the pipe down on the one's head, he caught the other one around the neck with his hand. G squeezed until the man's face turned purple and he passed out.

I hesitantly walked over to G. My skin was cold and I shivered as I stepped up next to G. He was loading the three guys into a cell and closed the door. I heard the lock click shut. At least he didn't kill them.

We entered the warden's office. It had been ransacked. Papers scattered the floor. Red splotches of liquid stained the sheets of white and black. The scent of paper, prison, and blood filled my nose. All the cupboards were hanging open and everything inside them was thrown on the floor.

G took in the damage, neither impressed nor affected by it. He lit another cigarette and called out. "Hey Gaster?"

I winced as his voice echoed around.

There was no answer. G huffed and started to inspect the office. He seemed to know where everything was. Ignoring everything unimportant, including me, and digging through the mess until he found a safe.

"Alright little pet, come show me what you can do." He wasn't asking.

I padded up to the safe and took a look. It was a basic lock, substandard actually. I collected everything I needed from the wreckage on the floor. Pushing G out of the way gently, I set to work.

Concentrating, I was able to get the safe open quickly. I didn't to get much of a look at what was inside before G pushed me aside. Whatever was inside was shoved into G's pockets. "Not bad Dove." He flicked a glowering glance at me and chuckled. His smirk still felt cold and G's socket glowed softly. "Let's go get somethin' to eat."

The trip to the kitchen was fast. It wasn't surprising that no one was in there either. Most of the food and supplies had been cleared out. Pots and pans lay scattered on the floor.

But there was some food even those desperate inmates wouldn't eat. After two days without food though, I was starving, and so was G. We both took several cans of "beans" and ate them together.

He gave me the last of a can and went searching around the kitchen for something. I watched him as he prowled through every cupboard. Puffing angrily on his cigarette, he jumped up onto the counter and ran his hand along the top of the cupboards. I was still shocked at how easily he had launched himself up onto the counter when he smiled wickedly.

"Got it," he chuckled darkly. Pulling down a set of steel knives, he pulled them out and inspected each blade. "These'll do for now." I shivered as he slowly slid them back into their covers.

Noticing my face, G laughed. "C'mon Dove. We've got places to go."

I got up and went up to him. He pulled out one knife and for a second I thought he was going to stab me. "Sorry darlin'," he said. I winced but instead of pain, I felt the sickenly cool metal of a knife handle in my palm. Surprised I looked up a G's face but he wasn't paying attention to me.

"I don't want it," I said softly.

"What was that?" he growled.

"I don't want it," I said a little sterner now. The feeling of guilt dug into my stomach and the image of Ryan's blood flashed in my mind.

G spun around and moved closer to me. "It may not be what you want little princess but it's what you get. Now suck it up and don't be a twit," he hissed.

My hand tightened around the handle. I stared G back in his glowering eyes, refusing to back down.

He smirked, knowing he had won, and turned around. "Now let's go," he ordered. By the tone of his voice I could tell I had no choice.

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