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The pain was finally starting to wear off. I found a sedative to give to him and that helped G through the roughest part.

Now he was sleeping silently, resting against my shoulder. He didn't move much but at least he didn't look dead anymore.

The relief welling up in my stomach was so strong I wanted to cry but I didn't want to wake G for even a moment.

He shifted around in his sleep, casting his arm over me before lying still again. I reached over and took his hand, holding it tightly while I kept watch.

Slowly the night came again, darkening the outdoors with jet-black ink. It brought with it a swirling anxiety that churned in my chest, clotting my emotions. I worried about Undyne and Alphys, wondering how long is too long. If that time had already past. I stressed about the police outside and what they were thinking, if they were doubting us now. I wondered about Stefano and how he had become such a big mountain in my life and yet I'd never seen anything more than a newspaper article about him. What did he have to gain out of all of this?

The only things to distract me were G and the night. I watched the dark stars bleed light. I watched helicopters hover noisily over the prison. I felt the beating of their blades circulating in the still air. I breathed in the scent of stale dust, chemicals, and G's cigarettes.

It was only when dawn started creeping through the black that I fell asleep. Slowly, my stress heavy eyelids fell and I dropped off.

In the morning, I woke up alone. I jumped out of bed, searching wildly for G. He wasn't there. "G!" I called out, feeling my voice tremble. "G!" No one answered.

I ran out of the hospital room, hoping that he was smoking a cigarette in the hall. He wasn't.

Clutching my chest, my heart beat painfully in my body, flushing me with unwelcome heat and spreading my fear. I ran fast, checking each room briefly before trembling to the next one.

He was no where to be found. As a last resort, I returned to the hospital room I started in, lying to myself that he had just gone to do something and he'd come back. Dropping on the bed, I covered my face, sobbing wretchedly.

I ended up curled into a small ball, my knees tucked into my sore chest. Breathing slowly, I listened to every little sound, waiting vainly for one of them to be made by G.

There was no one in the room with me. I couldn't understand what was happening. I felt vague and funny, as if I were distant from the whole scene but close enough to feel the pain.

Then suddenly, I couldn't stop shaking. My body moved out of my own control, leaving myself helpless as I watched.

And slowly I began to open my eyes. I gasped, fresh tears jumping to my eyes. "G," I cried, launching myself into his chest.

He grunted painfully and rolled me over on top of him. "You okay babe?" he asked, out of breath, probably in pain. He coughed once. "What were you dreaming about?" His fingers curled into my shoulders, providing me with his much needed contact.

I shivered and held tighter to him, relieved that it was just a dream but I was reliving the pain of loss all over again.

"Dove you're....crying?" He gripped me tighter. I didn't say anything. "C'mon Frisk, what's wrong sweetheart?" He wiped back a stronger flow of tears. Kissing my forehead, he pulled me closer and rubbed tight circles into my back.

I don't think he knew just how much of a comfort he really was to me.

"Please don't leave me," I cried pitifully into his chest.

He gasped angrily. He threaded his hands through my hair, pinning me against him. "I'll die first," he growled and some of the fear dripped out of me.

I tightened my grip around him and slowly stopped crying. Letting the distant smell of cigarettes and bone ease the tension that had previously been a noose around my neck.

What I wanted right then was paradoxical. I wanted to stay in that moment, in G's grasp forever but I also wanted to help Undyne and Alphys.

"G, Undyne...we have to help..."

He groaned tiredly and ducked his head under mine, searching for my lips.

"G..." I complained, trying to avoid him.

But he was determined. He got a hold of me and shot sparks against my lips.

"Come on," I moaned, trying to pull away from his tongue.

"Mmm," he moaned back, rolling me underneath him. I couldn't help but kiss him back, soaking up the sweet taste of vanilla.

Finally, he pulled away, satisfied. "Now I'll go get your worthless friends."

"Thank you," I whispered, kissing his bony hand. He smirked and got off the cot-like bed.

"You have to stay here. Right here," he said seriously.

"You know I don't like that." He glared at me. Sighing heavily, I put my hands up. I never was one for a fight. "Be careful. Please G."

He stepped back over to me. His hand cupping my cheek, he leaned down and kissed me once more.

"Hope you're kissin' 'er goodbye," someone said from behindus. G whirled around angrily. I stared nervously at the man in the door with apistol aiming straight at me. " 'Cause you won't be seein' 'er again."

Falsely Convicted  (G!SansxFrisk)Where stories live. Discover now