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G was passed out on a cot with me in his lap. If I tried to move he'd wake up and pull me back so I just let it be. I wasn't exactly uncomfortable anyways. The only uncomfortable thing was that even sleeping his grip was like iron.

I stayed awake, my attention divided between Gaster and listening for Undyne's return.

I almost laughed at the irony. First G now her. It was just impossible to keep people together in my life.

Sighing, I glanced at Gaster, again. He wasn't unconscious but he wasn't conscious either. He resembled a drunk man. His sockets were glassed over and unfocused. His head swayed like he was floating on a breeze. I don't think he had the strength to lift it. Occasionally he'd mumble something unintelligent but otherwise he did nothing.

I let G sleep for several hours, giving him as much rest as I could. He had been up all night and I didn't want to think about what he had done during those hours.

But eventually I began to feel a tired weariness settle over me. Gently nudging the skeleman with my shoulder I woke him up.

"G?" I started to ask but interrupted myself with a loud yawn.

"I got it babe," he purred throatily. Gently pressing a kiss against my neck, I could feel his smirk. He tightened his grasp on me even more. "Go ahead and sleep. I'll watch."

"Okay," I mumbled, already falling asleep. I leaned my head against his chest and drifted off.

When I woke up, I was disoriented. I was staring at a wall, sideways?

I didn't realized that G had laid down until I fully woke up. I was still on top of him. G had removed one hand from my waist which was now trapping my head against his chest.

He was too tense to be asleep. When I lifted my head, I found him staring at me, amusement sparkling in his sockets.

"Hey baby girl," he purred, smirking.

"Hey," I moved up to kiss him shortly. "Has Undyne come back?" I asked.

"No," he tilted his head up to kiss me again. I let him have his way for a while before pulling away.

"How long did I sleep?"

He grunted, suddenly shifting me so that I was pressed between the cell bars and him. "Long enough," he muttered. This time he kept me trapped under his mercy, which he had none of. He kissed me until my mouth hurt. Then he moved on to my neck, searching slowly for a sweet spot.

I cast a nervous glance at Gaster. He was out again.

I moaned softly when G found it. He was vicious about it, digging his teeth into the spot until I was moaning his name loudly. He pulled me underneath him.

"G, G," I gasped as his hands slid into my jumper.

"Yeah," he growled huskily, his fingers tantalizingly close to his target. My skin jumped with excitement.

"We can't do this here," I panted. He moaned complainingly.

He fell down on me, laying his head besides mine. He kissed my neck softly, cooling down. "Another time?"

"Another time," I whispered, wishing we were somewhere else.

His arm wrapped around me and we settled down.

It was lucky I stopped him because Undyne came back not soon after.

It was clear that she was still angry but something had lit an hopeful spark in her eyes. It dimmed slightly when she saw G sleeping on top of me but let it go quickly.

Falsely Convicted  (G!SansxFrisk)Where stories live. Discover now