Undyne's Problems

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Being confined to our cells was a cruel and unusual punishment. Fight broke out often at lunch, resulting in our time being cut even shorter. The warden didn't punish the inmates who fought; the angry prisoners were punishment enough. Everyone was tense and going stir crazy. To let it out, they yelled all night, catcalling and insulting each other. Death threats floated around like balloons. Some prisoners had taken up the hobby of shanking any one who got close enough. At this rate, some one was going to crack soon.

No one spoke to Undyne, Alphis, or I but that doesn't mean we weren't bother by the noise and our lack of sleep. Undyne was cranky and took to yelling at me. Alphis slept in and barely talked at all. I didn't defend myself against Undyne because she was angry enough to crack my skull at the moment. I just tuned her out when she started to yell, a skill I had practiced often around Chara.

We were four weeks into the punishment and no one had talked. Undyne was starting to get really agitated. I don't think it was the lock up that was causing her distress though. She has confined our meal times to three minutes exactly. The lines were long but fortunately most of the prisoners were afraid of her and let us pass. As soon as we sat, she watched the clock and had Alphis watch the door. At the last second of our three minutes, she dragged us out of the cafeteria, whether we had finished or not. I was starving.

This morning, after breakfast, I was watching her march back and forth across our small stone cell. Alphis was on her cot with her back turned, not speaking to either of us. I huffed at the both of them and crossed my arms across my chest. "You got a problem punk!" Undyne yelled at me, full volume. I knew by now she wasn't going to hurt me as long as I didn't push her to far.

Undyne was rubbing her eye, the one with the eye patch, furiously. Her skin seemed red. "Well!" she demanded, putting her hands on her hips. I gasped. Her skin around the eye patch was red and swollen. I noticed some liquid leaking out from under the patch. It was tears.

"What?" Undyne demanded, cross.

"Undyne...your eye, do you feel it?" She raised an eyebrow and touched the uncovered eye. I shook my head. "No, the other one." She touched it and pulled back, the liquid covering her fingertips.

Cursing, Undyne turned to Alphis, "Alphis, what's wrong with my eye?" Undyne didn't sound scared. I couldn't tell what she was feeling because of the way she held her composure with anger.

Alphis rolled over and her eyes widened. "Oh, Undyne! Why is it acting up again? Do you feel any pain," she pulled Undyne closer to examine it. "How long has it been like this?"

"It was red yesterday but not like this," I said, hoping off my bed. Even though it was the bottom bunk, it was pretty high up, or I was short.

"No one asked you punk," Undyne said but she sounded grateful for the input.

"Can I see underneath?" Alphis gently asked.

"No," Undyne crossed her arms.

"Please," Alphis pleaded.


Alphis looked to me for help. I crossed over to the cell bars and called a guard. He grudgingly walked over and snapped, "What?"

I pointed to Undyne. "She needs to see a doctor. My..." I almost said friend. "Her eye is leaking."

I expected to have to explain but apparently the guard knew what I was talking about. He grunted and snapped his fingers. Three other guards walked over. One pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

Undyne hissed at him and curled her fists for a fight. "Undyne please," I pleaded with her.

She scowled but unclenched her hands. Without resisting, she let the guard cuff her but as she passed me she said, "You're in trouble when I get back pet." I swallowed hard, hoping it wasn't physical punishment. In spite of fear, I knew I did the right thing.

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