Sad Stories

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"I don't suppose you have a deal offer do ya?" he asked softly. He seemed genuinely concerned for me. I was still left wondering why he cared.

Deciding to trust him I asked, "You know Detective Mullins?"

"Yeah, he's the guy who put me in here."
I smiled, "Yeah, he's good at that," I sighed. "He's the only one who knows the truth but he needs my help to prove it."

"So what do you have to do?"

"Tell the truth."

"And why do I hear hesitation dove?" I could hear the disdain in his voice. He must be wondering why I wouldn't take my shot out of this place.

"Because she's my sister."

G was quiet after that. The way he talked about Papyrus, he must've understood family loyalty. Except his brother didn't sound like the kind of guy to kill someone and dump it on his sibling.

G kept his arm around my shoulders with no indication of moving it. After a while of listening to G smoke and the buzzing of the lights, I had to talk to push everything out of my mind.

"G?" I asked.


"Why don't you like your dad?" I asked gently. I didn't want him to be mad, in case curiosity killed the cat.

I felt his arm stiffen and he pulled it off of my shoulders. I was sad to feel it go though.

But apparently G trusted me to because he said, "When we were kids, Dad moved us out of Boston and got a job out here. He never told us what he did but I saw what it did to him. It consumed his life until he rarely came home. He forgot to pay the bills or buy food. He forgot about me and Paps, like we were nothing." G sighed and rubbed his skull. "I ended up doing bad things to keep Paps alive."

I into G's eyes and for once I didn't see anger. I saw pain. But it wasn't for Gaster, it was for Papyrus. I squeezed G's hand quickly before letting go. "You're a good brother G," I told him before moving ahead, giving him space.  I didn't know why I felt like this but it was confusing. G was dangerous and cruel, yet he was also soft and kind. He was a walking confliction. I wondered if I was the only one who knew this.

G stayed behind me. I felt a small flush creep up my neck and hoped he couldn't see it. Distracting myself, I focused on each step until I came up to another intersection and stopped. Turning around for G's direction, I found he staring at me. I blushed nervously. He wasn't too far behind and caught up quickly. Stepping up to me, his shoulder brushed against mine.

"Which way?" I asked softly.

G nodded to the right but he seemed hesitant to go. I stood next to him, my arm pressing against his. For a moment, the world stopped. I looked up at G and he stared down at me. Neither of us moved, shock still, entrapped.

G leaned down, almost like he wanted to whisper something in my ear.

But then the moment shattered like glass. Just before G's lips reached mine, someone grabbed me around the waist and flicked a knife against my throat.

My breath hitched and my heart beat widely, trying to escape as much as I suddenly wanted to. "Hey G," a sickenly familiar voice said, low and harsh. "Remember me?"

G stood at his full height now, his eye flicking from the man's face to the knife in his hand. I could see the fury in his glowing iris as G stared at the man who had attacked me before, on the prison yard.

"Remember what you and Don did to me?" his said, his voice scratchy. He spoke as if everything hurt him. "I lost everything. Everything!" he screamed the last word as if he was in physical pain. Then he his voice became scratchy again, "But you...G and Don," he spat out their names, "You got everything." He laughed. It was a broken, chalky sound the made me wince. "But it seems I have something of yours." He pressed the blade harder into my skin until I felt blood dribble down my neck. Laughing again, he touched my neck and rubbed my blood between his fingers. "A human G? Really? I never thought you could be so weak."

G had been standing silently in cold fury while the man talked. He watched the man play with my blood. Then G spoke. "You didn't lose everything Jacky. I left you with your life." G smiled, it was cold and cruel. I shivered. He didn't see me anymore; he only had eyes for Jacky. "You're not going to be so lucky this time."

Jacky growled and put more pressure on the knife. I closed my eyes in panic. It was so sharp I didn't feel it until it was too deep. I anticipated the knife's cut fearfully. I cried out as the knife suddenly veered to the right, out of my neck.

I fell to the floor, my body making a harsh thump against the concrete. I sobbed but stopped immediately when I felt blood my blood flow out even faster. It seeped into a dark red pool on the gray concrete. It reminded me of the roses at home, in the spring. I shook my head; I had to concentrate. Getting up off the floor, I turned to see G attacking Jacky, who was probably bleeding more than me.

I stared in shock. The rage I saw in G at that moment was unparalleled to anything I had ever seen in anyone before. The hate that G expelled physically with his fists onto Jacky created blood everywhere. There was no mercy in G.

"G! Stop!" I cried tears in my eyes. Fearfully, I watched G continue to pummel Jacky, even though he looked dead.

"G!" I screamed and he finally stopped.

He stood there with his back to me, panting, staring down at his work. Jacky was unrecognizable, his body cover in blood, limbs torn at odd angles. He was like a piece of paper. Frail and easily crumpled.

I stood, shaking in fear. I tried to convince myself that G was trying to protect me.

My hands clutched my neck, blooding oozing out past my fingers. I felt light headed and fell to my knees. "G," I moaned in pain.

"Frisk?!" Suddenly G was in front of me. "No, no. Don't pass out Frisk. Un uh, come on. Wake up!" he yelled. I felt a cloth being pressed against my neck.

G slid his arms around me and picked me up. I was too weak to feel scared. "G," I whispered, unable to keep my eyes open. "I can't..."

"Sweetheart?" was the last thing I heard him yell before I passed out.

Falsely Convicted  (G!SansxFrisk)Where stories live. Discover now