Battle Cry

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G and I bolted up. He grabbed the doorknob but it wouldn't turn. "G what's going on?" I cried. He scowled and slammed his shoulder into the door. We heard a crack but nothing had happened. G tried it again but it still didn't work.

"Stand back Frisk," he growled. I moved to the back of the closet. G's eyes began to glow brightly, flames licking outside of his sockets. He raised his hand and the head of some sort of creature took up the rest of the space in the closet. It eyes glowed the same as G's and the same sort of ferocity displayed across its features. G closed his fist and the creature opened its mouth, unleashing a bright and powerful beam.

I closed my eyes and listened to the sound splintering wood. When I opened them again, the door was completely disintegrated.

They had found us!

G was already in the swarmed hall, plowing through the pulsing bodies, throwing them aside easily.  Huge groups of monsters and humans were pulsing against him. Most of their attention was focused on G.

Undyne was farther down the hall, spears in hand, threatening to impale anyone who got close to her and Alphys. I couldn't see Gaster.

A human man who looked like a lumber jack noticed me. Stepping into the closet, he spoke with a nasally drawl, "Hey doll."

I smiled sadly, glad for once that I had grown up with Chara. Raising my fists, I waited for his advance. He rushed forward raising a pipe. I ducked behind him before he swung. Grabbing the pipe, I was able to pull it out of his hand. Then I spun, using the force to slam it against the back of his kneecaps. Crying out, he crumpled to the ground.

Panting, I ran out of the room and slammed it shut behind myself. Several pairs of eyes picked me out. My heart thrumming in my ears, I dodged through the angry crowd looking for any sign of my friends.

I ran faster, dodging the people and monsters who violently flung themselves at me. "Here, kitty kitty," one of the snarled over the shouting mob. Fending off attacks wasn't easy and I felt hot guilt flush through me every time the pipe connected with someone's limbs but I kept pushing forward, determined to find my friends.

Finally I caught sight of a flash of blue. Charging towards it, some one stepped in my path. It was Gaster.

"Gaster," I said breathlessly. "Undyne..." I pointed but he didn't even turn to look. "Gaster?" His eyes glowed a bright yellow, brighter than G's.

"I won't let you do this," his voice dark. A long, pearly white bone appeared in Gaster's hands, dripping with some sort of black ink. He raised it in my direction.

I gasped fearfully. Right before the bone struck my chest, I ran. Looking back, the bone-spear was driven feet deep into the concrete, cracks spreading among the ground.

The mob started to scatter. I realized why when the cracks began to spread farther along.

They reached me and it was revealed that they weren't cracks, but the same black liquid that was dripping off of Gaster's bone.

I jumped over one as it raised itself into the air. I gasped, searching for an escape. The mob had circled us. I stared at Gaster's black smirk, his dark eyes glowing brighter and brighter.

I didn't wait for the strike. I ducked behind a large monster just as the black ink darted for me. It circled around the monster, swallowing his body completely before raising it up and tossing him through the air. He sailed far over the crowd, crashing into a far wall.

Gaster's eyes turned back on my and so did the ink. It picked me up before I could dodge around it again. Tears in my eyes and my heart in my mouth, I felt the black liquid fall around me like quicksand. It tightened around my body, constricting all movement. Instead of throwing me, I felt the ink crushing me, particularly around my chest and throat. I wasn't worried about suffocating. The pressure exerted on my body would surely snap my bones and crush me first.

But it didn't.

It seems the mob remembered their job and someone had attacked Gaster. I gasped with short lived relief, because my life was on the line too.

Some one rushed me. Unprepared and weak, I felt their body slam against mine, knocking me over.

Then came the sharp yell. I looked up in surprise to see Undyne launched in the air over me. She drove a spear through the monster's chest before her feet even touched the ground. He staggered back and faded into dust.

"Up punk," she shouted at me. I jumped to my feet, still trying to catch my breath.

I had lost my pipe but it didn't matter because Undyne handed me one of her blue spears. The magic radiated off it, humming in my hands like a fluorescent light.

"Watch my back," she screamed, launching spear after spear into the crowd.

I didn't have time to wonder where Alphys was because someone lunged for me. I stuck my spear through his hand and he jumped back, yelping.

The crowd began to press in around us. A sense of hopelessness was beginning to crush in on me, like the crowd. I spun around to tell Undyne but she was too busy driving her spear in others. Her fearless fighting reminded me of a warrior and determination flooded my system.

With renewed energy I began fending off attacks. The crowd was getting thinner but it seemed like they had saved the best for last. The most powerful monsters and strongest, armed humans stepped forward like soldiers, a grim line of blood and dust spread over each face.

Undyne screamed. It was not the sound of her vibrant battle cry. I spun around worriedly.

"Undyne!" I screamed as I watched her get pulled into the crowd. The I saw a familiar flash. With horror I watched the knife rise in the air.

I screamed again, my raw throat burning. The knife plunged through the air. The screams and shouts faded out when I saw dust spread out and float to the ground.

Tears flooded down my face and I didn't struggle when two strong arms wrapped around my waist.

Then, just like that, the scene disappeared and I was somewhere new. Unable to stand up anymore, I crumbled to my knees, crying into my hands.

"Frisk?" G asked, concern heavy in his deep voice. "Baby what's wrong?" he pulled me into a hug, stroking my back.

"They killed Undyne," I gasped into his shoulder.

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