Chapter 1: Missing

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Mt. Ebott. I have heard so many stories about that mountain growing up. The kids that run away go there and when search parties look for the missing kids, they would never find anything. Only large groups and families come back down. When a person goes up there by themselves, they go missing, never to return. There is even one legend about the mountain.

The story was about how humans and monsters lived in peace, that is, till the humans attacked the monsters and a large war broke out. After a long war, the monsters were sent underground. They were rumored to live under Mt. Ebott, which I know that monsters don't exist.

My sister believes in those stories. Cassidy and her friend, Frisk, always told monster stories to each other. They would tell me what they talked about. I would always listen to their stories and I would tell them my thoughts. I would then watch them play. Those two have always had that bond between them. Monster story loving kids is what they are.

Cassidy and Frisk are weird kids. Cassidy was only ten years old when she met Frisk. They went to school together, but not hanging out. Cassidy helped her out when Frisk was being bullied. Cassidy told me she had a new friend and that she didn't have any parents, so she lived at the orphanage at the other end of town. I felt bad for the young girl. I'm just glad that Cassidy made her a friend.

Since then, the leader of the orphanage let's Frisk over at our house to get homework done and to play with my sister. I'm glad the woman at the orphanage encourages social interaction. Heck, she even let's Frisk go with us on day long trips. When we go huckleberry picking, or go swimming at the river and have lunch, she'd go with us. Of course, with paper work.

For a while, they have been trying to go for a walk to Mt. Ebott. The trail to it was only a few yards from our house. I would always follow them and catch them. They want to prove that they can go up there and come back alive. Frisk was very determined to get up there and Cassidy was the brave one. I just wanted them safe. I promised Mom and Dad that I'd watch them to make sure they don't go up that mountain trail.

Over the next two years, they didn't try anything funny with the mountain. All they would do was walk up half way and come back, but I knew there was something wrong.

It was summer and almost time to go back to school, well, moving back to school for me. It was my second year of college while my sister and Frisk went to junior high. Frisk was still not adopted and I had a feeling that she won't. My family wanted to take one last trip up to Mt. Ebott and there was an area where people rest and have lunch. It was just a national forest picnic area. I'm in the back of the jeep with Cassidy and Frisk.

Since it was a little cooler out today, Frisk wore her brown shorts and had a blue and pink sweater. Her short hair was brushed smoothly down the sides of her head. Around her neck was a red heart necklace. Cassidy wore her normal outfit. She had orange and blue basketball shorts and an orange tank top with the Denver Broncos logo on the front. Around her wrist was a bracelet charm I had made us. It was a half of a blue heart and it said, 'little sis' on it. I just wore jeans and a pink shirt with a Thailand design on it. Over it, I wore a purple hoodie that was fluffy on the inside. I had my necklace with the other half of my heart. It was purple and said, 'Big sis,'.

"Kelsi," I was snapped out of my thoughts by my sister's voice, "I can't wait to get there."

I looked at her, "Yeah, you and Frisk would always try to go up here."

Frisk narrowed her brown eyes at me, "We wanted to prove that we could come back alive."

"Yeah, but I stopped you two."

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