Chapter 17: Recovering

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I woke up to a headache. My chest hurt and so did my stomach. I felt weaker than normal. I got out from Sans's grip and sat up. I then felt myself lurch. I held a hand to my mouth and ran to the bathroom. Good thing it was right next to my room. I let out my stomach acids and I panted. I then felt a hand on my back. I looked and Sans was there. He must have teleported in here when he heard me.

"I was worried about this," Sans said, "I'll get the medicine Alphys gave me."

He left as I rested my back on the tub. I put my hand on my chest. I let my soul appear and the light, purple soul shown brightly. Sans came back with a bottle of some type of liquid. He poured a tablespoon of it in a small cup. It was tan, like Alex's soul. Sans sat next to me and handed it to me. I smelled it and it smelt like fish oil. I cringed and looked at Sans.

"Do I have to take it?" I asked.

"Alphys said it will help with your sickness. I would say yes to your question."

I groaned and took a small sip. I widened my eyes. It tasted like fish oil too. I pushed it away from me, "Alphys is crazy if she says I need this."

He took it from me, "Kelsi, please?"

"N-," I was cut off by Sans pouring the medicine down my throat. He pulled away and I coughed.

He smiled, "Not so bad, was it?"

I glared at him, "I hate you,"

He kissed my forehead, "I love you too. Now, I want you to go to your room and rest. I'll go get a bucket for you just in case. I'll also get water for you."

"Okay, mom." I joked.

He helped me to my room and tucked me in. He went to the kitchen and brought me a bucket and a plastic cup of cold water with a straw. He kissed my forehead again, "I told Papyrus that we'd hang out today. Will you be okay?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I can take care of myself."

"I'll just have Alphys or Tori call you to see if you need anything while your parents are at work."

"I also have me sister here."

I heard her door open, "Nope, I'm going to see Frisk and Asriel. Not babysitting a sick sister."

I glared towards her door, "Let's not forget who saved you kiddo. I risked my life to get you home!"

She left and I glared. Sans laughed and got up, "Okay, I'll let the others know to check on you. I love you,"

"Love you too,"

He left and I went back to sleep. I would get up only to get water or to throw up. I would check my phone often to text my mom and dad that I'm okay. Sans and Papyrus would text me too on my monster phone and Pap was the most worried. Telling me he would come over to make spaghetti for me. I laughed and Toriel would check in with me. Alphys told me the sickness should last a week. I groaned and rolled my eyes. Nice. I laid back and checked on my other texts. I sighed when there were no more and slept.

When Sans and Papyrus came back, Papyrus went to the kitchen and, under surveillance of me, made spaghetti for us. I ate it happily and thanked him. He smiled and said that he would do it anytime.

"Human Kelsi, I didn't know humans liked skeletons so much!" Papyrus said.

I swallowed my pasta, "What do you mean?"

"There were skeletons hanging up and in weird clothes. A sign said 'Halloween'. What is Halloween?"

My eyes widened. This is going to be weird. I explained, "Halloween is a holiday humans celebrate. On that night, humans dress up as something scary, typically. Some people dress up a very cute things. People also wear makeup and try to scare others. Houses are decorated with monster-like creatures."

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