Chapter 13: Home

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(Sans's POV)

I came to, looking at the ceiling of Asgore's castle. I got up and looked at everyone. They were starting to wake up. Cassidy and Frisk were still out cold. Papyrus came to me and hugged me.

"Are you okay, brother?" he asked quickly.

I smiled and hugged him back, "I'm okay Pap. I am now."

He set me down and everyone made sure everyone else was okay. Undyne yelled at Alphys to see if she was lying about being okay. She cared way too much. Asgore made sure Toriel was okay, but she glared at him. Then, there was a crack. We all looked at the door that led to the barrier. There was another loud crack, then a bang. The barrier broke once again. The kids started to wake up and everyone made sure they were okay. When Cassidy and Frisk faced Toriel, they broke. They ran to her and cried. They kept saying sorry and that Frisk wanted to stay with her. Cassidy went to Papyrus and cried on his armor, saying sorry. He hugged her back and told her she did do better. She then went to Undyne and I remember in other timelines where she was a Pacifist and she looked up to Undyne and Undyne became good friends with her, almost like sisters. Undyne gave into her and told her she was fine. They got along well, then, I noticed that Kelsi wasn't here. I thought that the flower would take her soul too, but I then remembered that her soul was strong enough to not get absorbed by Flowey, but mine wasn't as strong. I need to get back to Judgement Hall.

I faced the others, "Guys, go ahead to the surface. I have to go get Kelsi."

They nodded, and I ran to Judgement Hall. As I got to the hallway, I saw her, lying on the ground where I left her. I ran to her and I looked at her HP: .00001/100. Her soul, cracked and on the edge of breaking. I picked her up, cradled in my blue jacket. Blood started to soak my shirt. I didn't care. I needed to get her help and only human doctors can help her now. I kissed her forehead and whispered, "Stay determined, Kelsi." I then started to run back to the barrier. I ran like the devil was at my heals, like my life depended on it.

(Cassidy's POV, after Sans left)

I feared for my sister's life. Her HP was so low, but she had to be determined. She has two souls with powerful meanings. She had to stay here with us.

Frisk tugged at my sleeve and all of us walked out into the sunlight. I smiled and then we walked to the edge, but something was different. There were cops, aiming guns at us. My mom and dad were there and so was Frisk's caretaker. The monsters followed us, but when the people saw them, they started to shake. I looked back and no one had their weapons, but I guess it would be rattling to see monsters on the surface. I saw Mom and Dad and smiled at them.

My dad got a little defensive, "That is my child up there. Put your guns away."

Asgore stepped up, but a shot rang out. Frisk's and my souls glowed and there was a shield around us and the monsters. The bullet vanished when it hit the barrier. We put the shield down and faced the people. Mom had wide eyes and Dad said something that I couldn't hear. The cops were shocked.

Frisk stood up, filled with determination. Is she going to talk to them? For the first time in...ever?

She spoke in a soft voice, "Please, don't hurt them. They are with us. They helped us."

I spoke up too, "We'll be honest. We did some terrible things. We hurt them more than they did us. We...killed some monsters."

"Good," a cop yelled.

I growled, "No, they did nothing to us. They even tried to save us. We were possessed and killed monsters. We are not happy about it, but Sans and Kelsi saved us. These monsters behind me gave us-..."

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