Chapter 18: Saving Gaster

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Sans woke me up way to early, even for him. I got dressed and grabbed my wolf head necklace and got my shoes on. We teleported to his underground home and we were outside. He led me around back and opened a door. I walked into a lab-like area with a tarp over some sort of machine. Sans was right behind me and went to the tarp. He took it off and there was a machine. He looked at me, "This machine is used to go into the void and bring back who or what is in it. I built it after my father fell into the core. I tried over and over to bring him back. It never worked. I have hope this time. I want your help by convincing him to come home."

I nodded, "Sure, I'll try."

He grabbed some tools, put on an old lab coat, and started to work on the machine. As he got to work, I looked around. I saw blueprints with wording of Gaster's font. I went through drawers and saw a badge with Sans's picture on it and said 'Lab'. There was another picture with Sans, Gaster, and other monsters smiling. Sans looked so happy.

I looked at him, "Sans, why did you quit being a scientist? You looked so happy with them."

"You see, when Dad fell into the core, everything in the underground changed. Nobody remembered him, but me. It must have had something to do since I was there when he fell. I tried to save him, but he kept telling me to let go and protect Papyrus. I didn't want to, but he let me go and fell. After that, I worked on this machine in the labs, but when the nightmares of Frisk's doings started, I quit, but took my machine. I quit because of Frisk."

I then remembered him say his father was there for 30-40 years, "Sans, how old are you?"

"Monsters age differently than you humans. I am 122 years old. If I was a human, I would be around your age. I'm still young."

I looked at the picture and put it down. I sat next to him and watched as he fixed the paneling of the machine. I handed him tools and we talked about the new town on the surface. He said that when I transfer to Moscow, I could live with him and Papyrus and told me of the fun things we can do.

Cassidy then called, asking where we are and if she could help. I told her that she could come down with the other kids and know the story behind Sans since he finally agreed to let them know about his past and father.

After two hours of helping Sans, Frisk, Cassidy, and Asriel came down. They brought down food for us and we all ate, talking about how Sans's past affected him and how we are going to save Gaster. Sans went back to fixing his machine and stepped back.


We stood up and watched as Sans pressed a button on a panel and a red light appeared within the machine. It was round and I can feel the magic around it. Sans smiled, "It works. It works!"

I haven't seen Sans that happy. I smiled, "You did it."

"Now, Kelsi, ready to go?" Sans asked.

"Yeah, let's all go."

Sans took my hand and the kids got ready. With our souls shining brightly, we stepped through the portal.

Opening my eyes, we were surrounded by darkness. The kids were behind us, looking around. Sans looked around, "He's here, but not himself. This is where you'll come in Kelsi. He might recognize you."

I nodded and I then saw a manifestation. I widened my eyes, "Uh...Sans?"

He looked and the kids looked at the mass. It was a huge black mass with a white face. Cracks on his face just like before. He...slithered over to us and faced us. He was different than when I first saw him. Hands with a hole through them surrounded the kids and Sans. I faced the man and he spoke.

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