Chapter 20: The Story of the Twins

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The next morning, I woke up and got dressed. Sans woke up and we went to go get breakfast. We wanted to head over to Gaster's early and we were going to come back and hang out. I was eager too since I wanted to learn more about my soul. When Sans got dressed, we teleported to the apartment.

I knocked on the door and Papyrus opened the door, "Brother, human! How are you guys?"

"Good, you?" I asked.

"I'm good as well, thank you."

Sans looked around, "Where's Dad?"

"In the spare room, reading books. I'm going to go see Undyne. We are going to the store for some ingredients for our cooking lesson."

He left and I yelled down the hall, "Don't catch the building on fire!"

"We'll try!" I heard him yell back.

We looked at each other and shook our heads. Gaster walked out with a book and sat at the table.

"Kelsi, Sans, I found a story about the loyalty soul. I think you should know about it." Gaster said.

We sat at the table and Gaster opened to a bookmarked page.

"Tale of the Loyal Twins," I read.

"Yes, I actually knew one of them when the war was happening. That's how I got research done about it, but that was the only one I ever saw. That's why I wanted to see if you posses the same qualities that the soul had. When you saw me in the void and I told you those things, it was a test. I wanted to see if you were like them."

Sans looked at his dad, "Dad, what would have happened if those tests didn't work?"

"Your brother and Undyne wouldn't be here."

"Makes sense,"

I pulled the book closer to me and on the page, was a light purple soul like mine and it said 'loyalty' below it. The paper was worn, torn, and the color was tinted tan, but the print was like how it would be right off the press.

My eyes widened. Troy wanted to save the monsters, but ended up dying in the process. Betrayed by his own brother.

Gaster talked more, "That is why the statue is in Waterfall. The statue is of the young king Asgore, holding the injured Troy. We all cared about him and his sacrifice. Asgore had it hard as well as I."

"So, that statue is of Troy and the king? I thought it was Asriel and Chara." I said.

"No child, Troy and Asgore were best friends. What the story didn't tell you is the friendships the monsters had with Troy."

Sans looked confused, "friendship?"

Gaster nodded, "Troy went to the monster school with Asgore and I. Us three would go around and cause mischief with our magic and Asgore taught him many things about it." He chuckled, "He even dared me to talk to my crush, Ariel. Of course we got together. Then Asgore got with Toriel. It was nice. When we were young adults, I got into science and Asgore was next in line for the throne. Troy wanted to be a warrior for the village. Everything was well before Alex ruined everything. He was too loyal to the human race."

Gaster's face was one of disgust. He was remembering the far past, though as it happened just recently. Sans put his hand on his shoulder. He seemed to calm down, then looked at me.

"Kelsi, when I saw you in the void with your soul harnessing Undyne's and my son's soul, it was like seeing Alex when he killed most of the monsters. He had them, but used their power. When I heard your voice, and when I talked to you, it was like I was talking to Troy. There are even similarities that you have with Troy."

I asked, "like what?"

"You have eyes like him and straight hair like him."

I then thought of something, "Are soul traits genetic or random?"

"I think they can be genetic or random. There could be a possibility that you and the brothers are related."

Sans interfered, "Does that mean she picks a race to be loyal with or both?"

Gaster faced him, "it can be either. Since you and her are dating, she won't pick a side."

I took Sans's hand, "You guys and my human family mean the world to me. I can't pick even if I could."

Sans smiled at me, "Even when we 'pick' on you?"

I laughed, "yes Sans."

Gaster smiled at us, "just like I said, son. You picked a great human to be with. I know your mother would be proud."

We talked for a few more hours. Gaster told us more stories of Troy and the monsters and Alex with the humans. Papyrus came back and he shared his spaghetti for lunch. It wasn't the best. It had way too much pepper and I had to be careful not to cough. I don't want to break his heart. We told stories of our childhoods and what we did compared to the others. When I told them about parades and fairs in the town, Papyrus really got involved. He told us about Santa coming to everyone's homes in the underground. Sans just leaned over and told me that it was Asgore dressed up. I still thought it was cute the way Paps acted.

Sans stood up, "Well, we should get going. Kelsi was going to show me where she always walks."

Papyrus smiled, "can I come too?"

I smiled, "sure, let's go."

We left, telling Gaster bye and thanks for the stories. He told us to see him anytime and we headed to my home. We got my dog and we left to the side of the house. Across the street form my neighbors house was a dirt trail that led to an abandoned mine. It was sealed off years ago, but I like to walk the trail with Pepper. Papyrus was mostly interested in following Pepper and playing fetch with a bone attack. At least it wasn't hurting her. Sans just held my hand.

"I love it out here. It's so nice to see the blue sky and feel the sun on my bones. It feels...right. Just like...I'm home." Sans smiled.

"You are home. You are home with Papyrus, Gaster, and me. You have all of us."

He smiled and watched as his brother looked around the forest, "I'm glad he gets to live a new life."

"I agree. I'm glad that you guys are here."

He chuckled and watched as Papyrus chased my dog up a hill, "Human! Brother! This non-monster dog found bones. They aren't dust! This means that not only humans descend from skeletons, but other creatures came from skeletons!"

We shook out head and we continued our walk. When we got to the gate, we went to my house. Pap stayed the night and Cassidy wanted him in her room. I could see that Cassidy loved him as a brother. Papyrus and Cass watched movies while Sans and I stayed in my room. He cuddled with me and we watched a movie called, Warm Bodies.

Sans nuzzled his skull in the crook of my neck, "Kels,"

"What Sans?"

"It's our one-month anniversary tomorrow. A day all about us. What do you want to do?"

I smirked, "It is supposed to be nice tomorrow. Want to go see the beach?"

"That'll work."

He held me closer and I laid on his ribcage. He rubbed my arm and we turned off the TV when the movie finished.

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