Chapter 14: Awake

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Kelsi's POV:

Beep...beep... beep...

I felt fuzzy. My whole body felt fuzzy and numb. I tried to open my eyes. There was a bright light and I brought my hands to my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and they focused on the room around me. It was white with a tv in front of me. I looked at my sides to see an IV bag and an empty blood bag. My left hand had the IV needle in it. The other machine read my heart rate. I was in a white with blue dots gown. There was a tray with water and juice.

Where am I? Is this another part of Alphys's lab? Where is she then? Where's Cassidy? Where's Frisk? Where's Sans?

The door opened and there stood a human man, a doctor. He walked to me with a smile and looked at my monitor. He looked down at me, "How are you Miss Kelsi?"

I watched him as he wrote down something on the clipboard.

"Fine, I feel fuzzy."

"It's just the painkillers. That's normal."

"Where am I?"

He looked at me, "Mercy Hospital. You had a pretty good stab wound on your right hip. Your liver was cut, but not deeply, just like a paper cut on it, and all your organs were fine. I was surprised that a knife did less damage."

I thought about it and I wonder if Sans's healing healed my organs and not the full wound. Don't know, but the doctor continued.

"From what I heard, two girls broke a barrier and set the monster race free. I also heard that a monster, a short skeleton ran to the opening with you in his arms. I saw him in the waiting room yesterday."

"How are they? How was he?" I said quickly.

"The monsters seem worried about you. When I told them you'd be fine, they relaxed. The small skeleton was upset when I said there was not enough blood for you, the look on his face...I know he cared about you. Also, a little girl gave me a purple backpack. Said it was yours."

I looked at the chair next to my bed and there was my backpack and Sans's now clean hoodie. I sighed and looked at the doctor, "My parents?"

"Your mother donated blood for you. They came here with you in the ambulance. They too, were relieved when you'd be fine.

A voice came on the intercom, calling for the doctor. He looked at me, "Hope you get well," then he left.

I was alone. I looked at my backpack and thought about the punny skeleton. He went back to save me, to bring me home. I miss him. I miss my friends and family. I hope they come soon.

I then looked at my wound. I lifted up my gown and saw about 10 stitches in my hip. I didn't feel it due to painkillers. I put my gown down and covered back up. I relaxed and I lifted my hand and brought it towards my chest. I summoned my soul and the tan/light purple soul appeared along with a black box with my stats. KELSI HOUCHIN LV.1, Exp. 0, HP. 100/100. My soul went back into my chest and I then reached for the remote. I turned on the TV to the news to see if anything happened to the monsters or what will happen. Nothing was found yet, since there were only six who were officially out of the underground.

After 30 minutes of watching tv, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I replied.

The door opened and there. I saw my parents. My mother got teary eyed and came to the side of the bed and hugged me. I sat up when I felt her tears run down my back. I held her close and looked up at my dad. He smiled at me and ran a hand down the side of my face. Mom let go and he held onto me. I felt safe. I felt loved.

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