Chapter 21: Anniversary

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While Sans was in the shower, I grabbed a bag and took three towels and I grabbed our swimsuits and I found the present I got for Sans. I wrapped it up and put it in the bottom. I got dressed and waited for Sans. Papyrus and Cassidy were going exercising with Undyne and the other kids. Sans came back in black jeans and a light blue shirt. He put on a brown jacket and his shoes. I went to wait in the car while he told me he had to get something. I started the car and put the bag in the back. Sans came back with a bag with a basket for our lunch that I forgot to grab. He put it in the back and we headed to the beach.

Once to the beach, we grabbed our bags and went to the sandy beach. Monsters and humans alike are everywhere on that sunny day. We went to get dressed in the bathrooms and when we got out, Sans was in some blue and black shorts with a white shirt with a skull on it. I was in a purple, one piece with a floral design. He walked up to me and took my hand and went to set up our date.

We left our bags and went swimming. We swam around and he pulled me under and kissed me. I smiled at him and we played around in the warm water. When we got out, we sat on the towels and dried off. We were quiet, but it was peaceful.

I looked up at the sky. I will admit. I miss the underground. I know Sans doesn't want to go back, but I love Waterfall. He said that if I want, we could go there and walk around the place. Snowdin was also nice to see. I know it brings him bad memories, but I want him to be comfortable. I want him happy, and with the underground, he wasn't. I don't want him hurt, but he knows I like it there. I reached over and took his hand.

He faced me and his eyes were opened wide, "Need something?"

"No, I'm just thinking."


" know?"

He sat up and looked into my eyes for the answer, "No, I don't,"

"The...please don't be mad."

"Why would I be mad at you? I'm all 'ears'."

I smiled, "Okay, I was thinking about the underground."

His smile faded, "Kelsi, why would I be mad about that?"

"Because I know how you are and I know about the nightmares you get. You had one the other night. Talking about the reset, Frisk and Papyrus, You and Cassidy. I woke up and tried to calm you down. You did when I told you that we were fine and that you were home. You smiled after that. You know how much I loved it there and I would like to go back there, but I know you don't like it. I want you to be happy and down there, you aren't. I'm sorry."

He stroked my cheek, "Sweetheart, we can go there when you want. I won't mind. Sorry about the nightmares. I don't know if I'll get over them. I just want you to be happy."

I leaned into his hand, "I want to be there for you. I love you."

"I love you too,"

He kissed me and I kissed back. He pulled back and grabbed the bag for our lunch. We had our sandwiches and Sans wouldn't let me into the bag. I brushed it off and ate our lunch.

When we finished, Sans's face was blue, "Kelsi, I got something for you?"

"Like what?"

He reached into the bag and pulled out a rectangular, wrapped item. I took it and unwrapped it. My eyes widened. It was the book I was looking for. He must have been the one who bought the last copy of it. I looked at him and basically tackled him. He held me.

"Thank you, Sans," I said.

"You are welcome,"

I then pulled back and took out Sans's towel and handed it to him, "I got you something too."

He unwrapped his towel and found the shirt I bought for him. He hugged me, "Thank you, love."

"Happy anniversary, Sans."

"Happy anniversary, Kelsi."

Sans and I hung out for the rest of the day at the beach till it got dark and we got dressed. We went to MTT Resort since it was finished. Sans set something up with Mettaton, so that we'd be there alone.

He lead me to the dance floor and a soft song came on. I knew the song. It was called, Love Story. Sans wrapped his around my waist and I put my arms around his neck. His face close to mine and I blushed. He swayed us back and forth and it was a nice, slow dance. I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

What did I do to deserve him? A monster in love with a human. A skeleton like him with a human like me.

I felt his soul. It beat in sync with mine. My soul became visible and his did too. They made sparks in the air between us and they moved when we did. It was like they were dancing too. I smiled and looked at him. Our souls settling. His white eyes looked into my blue-green eyes. He stared too long and I became nervous.

"W-what?" I asked.

"Your eyes,"

"What about my eyes?"

His eyes closed halfway, "I'd like a map. I get lost easily in them."

I smiled at his cheesy flirtation, "Sans, really?"

He nodded," You are very beautiful, Kelsi. I don't think I deserve you."

I stroked his cheek, "after what you've been through, I think you do. Everyone of our friends found love. Your bro, Alphys and Undyne, Asgore and Toriel. You need someone too Sans."

He rested his forehead on mine, "I never thought it'd be with a human. Let alone the sister of a kid I killed multiple times."

I sighed, "Stop looking at the past. Look the to future."

"Wise girl."

"I try to be," I kissed his teeth, "love you Sans. Thanks for the night."

He held me tightly, "No, thank you for all of this. We would all be dust without you. I would be dust."

We swayed to more love music through the night, our souls as one.

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