Chapter 7: Cassidy, Frisk, and Undyne the Undying

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I woke up face to face with Sans. He was still sleeping, and he had an arm wrapped around me. I smiled and slowly got up. I took his arm and moved his pillow so that he was cuddling with instead of me. I left his room and found my new monster phone. I had a text from Undyne.

· So, are you coming with me to fight your sister and your friend?

I know that on the way here last night, Sans didn't want me to go. That I'll get hurt, but she is my sister. I need to save her. I'm going with Undyne.

I text her back:

· Yeah, I'm coming with you. Meet at your house?

I waited for a reply, so I got into the clothes I wore yesterday. I didn't want to wear the clothes Sans got me since I may get hurt. I don't want to ruin them. I wore my necklace and maybe my sister will snap out of it.

I heard my new phone go off and I looked at the reply.

· Yeah, Alphys said they are close, so hurry.

I left my room and checked on Sans. He was still asleep and snuggling with the pillow. He probably thinks that I'm still there. I frowned and thought about what will happen when he wakes up and find me gone from town. I closed the door and went downstairs. I found Papyrus, making a puzzle.

He saw me, "Hello human, you okay?"

"Yeah, can you do me a favor?" I asked.


"Don't tell Sans that I'm going with Undyne."

He sighed, "Okay, you know, I wanted you to go with her," he got up and hugged me, "Don't worry about Sans. I'll take the heat. Be safe, Kelsi."

He said my name for the first time. I knew he was serious. I hugged him back, "Thank you, Pap, I will be safe,"

"Do you need a weapon?"


He made a bone appear. It was a little taller than me and was think as a spear, but think enough to have my whole hand around it, and he handed it to me. It was light and easy to carry.

He explained, "It won't hurt you. It can stand any attack that the tiny humans may throw at you. Just imagine using it as a sword."

"Thank you, Pappy," I said.

"Better get going, oh human," he handed me my backpack, "Never know. I knew you'd be going with Undyne, even thought my brother told you not to. If you need to heal, there is spaghetti in there."

"Thanks again,"

"Better get going, Undyne hates waiting."

I hugged him and left the house. I walked to where the boat man was. I got on the boat and asked him to take me to Waterfall. As we headed to Waterfall, he gave me a warning, "Beware of the red eyed child,"

We got to Waterfall and I got off. I left him and thought about the warning. I knew he was talking about my sister and Frisk, or maybe the evil possessing them. I don't know. I went to Undyne's house and knocked on the door. She opened it and she was in full battle armor.

"Cool armor," I told her.

"Thanks punk, got a bone from Papyrus?"

"Yeah, for a weapon,"

"Nice, now, I have some armor from when I was small, and I want you to put it on to see if it fits."

I followed her and went into her room. She got into her closet and brought out a box of armor. I set my bag down and she handed me piece by piece and I put on the chest plate, arm and leg plates, waist plates and some armor for my feet. The armor felt light. Undyne then grabbed a brush and a hair band.

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