Chapter 3: Monsters and Puzzles

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I woke up and looked around. I didn't know where I was. It then hit me like a bag of bricks. I fell down a hole in Mt. Ebott. I landed in yellow flowers and I passed out. Some monster saved me and fed me. She told me about Cassidy and Frisk and what they are doing. I sighed and got up. I looked at the end table and there was a piece of pie. I took the plate and sat on the edge of the bed. I took the fork and took a bite. I'm not a big fan of pie, but this pie, I could eat it every day. It reminded me of my great grandma's homemade butterscotch pudding pie, but this pie had a bit of cinnamon in it. I ate it and walked out to the living room.

I saw Toriel, sitting in front of the fireplace, reading a book. I walked past her and went into the kitchen, putting my plate in the sink. I went back to the living room and sat on another chair in front of the fireplace.

"Morning," I said.

She looked up from her book and smiled at me, "Good morning, Kelsi. How did you sleep?"

"I slept well, thank you."

"Now, I bet you want to get washed up before you leave?"

I nodded, "Yeah,"

"There is a room under renovations, but I still use it. There is a shower that you can use. Towels are in the cupboard on the middle shelf."

"Okay," I walked to the room and opened the door. Most of the room needed new flooring and the walls painted. I found the cupboard and opened it up. I pulled out a purple towel and set it on the counter. I turned on the water, took off my necklace, and got undressed. I stepped into the warm water and I heard the door open.

"I'm going to clean your clothes. It won't be long." I heard Toriel say, and she left.

I found some soap and washed my hair. It felt so nice to be clean once again. I scrubbed at my skin and my face. I rinsed off, but stayed in the stream for a while, reflecting on what my goal is.

I need to find Cassidy and Frisk and help them. That is my main goal. I have to be careful of the guards and the king. I will think of other things down the road, but for now, those are my main objectives.

I got out and took my towel. I looked at the counter and my clothes were there, folded and it smelled like some type of flower. When did she get these in here? Maybe I was lost in my mind for too long.

I got dressed, put on my necklace. and looked for a hair brush. I found a purple one and started to brush my hair. I heard a knock on the door, "Kelsi, may I come in child?"

"Yeah," I replied.

Toriel walked in and saw me brushing my hair. She held up her hands above my head and there was fire in her palms. She smiled, "It's okay, child. I'm going to dry your hair," and she ran her hands through my hair. After a while, my hair became light and bouncy. I brushed it out and parted it down the middle.

"I grabbed your bag and put some supplies in there that you'll need. I packed some pie and soup for you. I also put gold in there if you want to buy anything."

"Thank you Toriel," I smiled.

"You are very welcome, my child. Here," she handed me my hoodie.

I took it and put it on. I zipped it up and made sure my necklace was showing. We walked out of the bathroom and I went into the bedroom for my shoes. Slipping them on, I went to see Toriel going down the stairs. I walked down with her and walked down a long, purple corridor till we came to a large door, the same color as the walls and floor.

"This is the exit of the Ruins. I hope you find your sister and my future daughter," she faced me, knelt down and hugged me, "Be safe Kelsi. You must spare any monsters that would like to attack you. Act a certain way and you will show mercy. Don't run away. Have courage and show your loyalty to anyone you meet. Go out there to save the girls, but also, make friends along the way. I promise I'll be alright. I'll be here, waiting for you."

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