Chapter 19: Time with the Monsters

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It has been about a month since the monsters were free. The small monster community was almost done since the monsters helped the humans out. Most of the monster race are staying in a camp near the new town. Cassidy and Frisk would go to meetings with Toriel and Asgore. I would be told the new changes. Monsters were free to go anywhere they want and the ones opening a business could do so and would be inspected just as any business. I was even told that Toriel was going to open a school in the new community. Mettaton came back to the surface after taking care of MTT Resort and him and Nabstablook came to check on us every once in a while.

Everyone got into a routine during the month. I was going to my classes at the college nearby and Sans would teleport me there and he'd hang at the library to wait for me. When lunch came around, I'd buy us lunch and we'd talk about my classes and he offered to help me during chemistry. People would look at us, like we were crazy, but I'm glad I had him here. At the end of each week, I had to pay the man with a bottle of ketchup. He doesn't regret this offer.

I would go see Undyne and Alphys and we'd watch anime on most week nights while Sans, Papyrus, and Gaster had a father and sons night. Sometimes, when the boys would go out with their dad, Alphys would help me with my homework. I would teach Papyrus more cooking when it came to dinner time, sometimes, Undyne would join us. I would go with Gaster to the lab underground and grab some soul books. He said that he would learn more about my soul trait and more about determination and bravery so that Cassidy and Frisk would know about their traits. Asgore and Toriel would invite all of us over for a family dinner and we'd have dessert afterwards. That is the common time Mettaton came with Nabstablook and they'd entertain us. Mettaton would also flirt with Papyrus. It is pretty funny since I have to calm Sans down a bit.

On weekends Undyne would take Cassidy, Frisk, and Asriel out to the park to work on attacks. I would watch them as they fought. Cassidy would use her gun and wolf power to blow up targets. Frisk and Asriel would use their swords to fight with Undyne's spears. On some days, I would use my sword to practice so that I could protect myself. It was mostly Sans's idea since my father told him of the school I'd be going to next fall and he wanted to make sure that I could protect myself if he wasn't around to save me. Toriel would also teach me about soul magic as well since she was a boss monster. Gaster would also watch me and write down notes.

My relationship with Sans felt stronger. We'd go to the store to pick up a few things or we'd rent a movie to watch later that night while we cuddled before we went to bed. I would also take him to restaurants around the town. He'd take me to the underground and to Waterfall, since he knew I loved it there. Sans and I would go to the small city of Ebott nearby since I wanted to show him what the human world had to offer him. I took him to the lake and we sat in the sand, watching the boats. We'd do all kinds of things together.

It was the weekend and I woke up to Sans's arm around me. I tried to get up, but he wouldn't let me. He groaned and pulled me closer.

"Sans, I want to get up." I said.

"No," I heard him say, sleepily.

"Sans, come on. Let me go."

He pulled me to his chest and rolled over, so that I was on the other side of the bed.

I narrowed my eyes, but I had an idea, "I'll make breakfast," I sang, happily.

He opened his eyes and the lights came to life. His mouth turned up into a soft smile. His hand came up and he stroked my cheek, "May I make a suggestion?"

"Yeah, what would you like me to make?" I asked.

"Waffles. Can you also make me scrambled eggs?"

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