Chapter 12: Judgement Hall

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Today is the day. I'm going to save my sister. I was filled with courage. I got out of bed and picked out some clothes. I found a shirt that was the same color as my souls. The main part of the shirt was a deep purple while the outlines in the shape of MTT were in a tan color. I smiled and took a pair of thin, blue pants. I grabbed some socks and went to take a shower. I took off my necklace and set it on the counter, with my clothes. I got washed up and I got out. I dried off and got dressed. I got my necklace and clicked the latch. I went to my room and looked for a jacket. I pulled on a brown, leather-like jacket and left it unzipped. I put on my black converses and went down the stairs. I found Papyrus there, looking at a puzzle. I looked at it and he looked at me.

"Hello human, you are good at puzzles, right? I can't figure these ones out. Sans always helps me. Can you figure it out?" Papyrus asked.

I sat next to him and looked at the junior jumble. This was easy. I showed him how I solved this kind of puzzle. He did what I did and completed the puzzle.

"NYHE! I'm the Master of Puzzles!" Papyrus yelled.

I laughed, and he picked me up, "Whoa, whoa, whoa," I was being twirled like a doll.

"You are the best when it comes to puzzles. Thank you."

"You are welcome,"

He sat me down and looked at me, "Ready to see your sister again? I bet she really needs you right now."

"Yeah, this time, I'm going to help her."

"You are so much like Sans. Your sister is lucky to have you."

I hugged him, "And Sans is lucky to have a little brother like you."

"Now, Sans said that you two will leave in about an hour or two, if he wakes up. So, how was your night?"

I smiled, and I blushed, "It was nice. Had a nice dinner and a nice talk. We didn't worry about the girls and we went to Waterfall and hung out there and looked at the ceiling. It was great."

"I'm glad you had a great time with my brother. I, the Great Papyrus had a great night with Mettaton before coming home."

"You and Mettaton look so cute together."

Papyrus blushed a light orange, "Really?"


"Well, he is great, just like me."

"See? You guys are so adorable."

Sans came down and yawned, "Hey guys, what's up?"

"The ceiling," I replied.

Papyrus groaned, "Sans, look what you did to her."

"I didn't do anything," Sans smiled.

"You are a bad influence,"

"You mean rad influence?"

He groaned, "I'm going to go to my room and read puzzle books," and he left.

I smiled at Sans and we laughed. We sat on the couch and we cuddled with each other. I heard Sans sigh, "I told Pap to stay here. I don't want him hurt. It will just be you and I with those two."

"We'll finally save them?"

"Yeah, and they'll fight Asgore. That determines if they'll leave the Underground. If not, then you three will be stuck down here. When we save them, Alphys will call off the evacuation and almost everything will be back to normal, but we'll have three new members of the Underground."

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