Chapter 2: Fallen

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I woke up with a rush of excitement. I took a quick shower, dried my hair, got into a pair of dark blue jeans, a t-shirt that said 'love without fear, dream without limits', a pair of short, white socks, and I put on my purple hoodie. I grabbed my half of our sister heart charms. Clicking the latch, I went to the living room. My mom was by the phone, waiting for a call. I went to her and sat next to her. She hugged me and I felt tears on my shoulder.

"Kelsi," Mom whispered, "Please, promise me that you'll be back with them. I just my baby back."

I held her close, "Don't worry, Mom. I promise, I will bring Cassidy and Frisk back."

She let go, "Go pack stuff that you and your dad will need. I made sandwiches last night. You can find anything else you'd like to take. Take your phone and charger, for just in case."

I smiled at her and walked to my room. I grabbed my purple backpack that I was going to take back to school and put my phone and charger in the middle pocket. I found my flashlight and batteries for it. I then went to the bathroom to get a first aid kit and put it in my pack too. I then went to the kitchen and found the sandwiches Mom had made the night before. I grabbed one of the lunch bags that my sister used and put my two sandwiches in the bag and I went outside to grab two small bags of potato chips. I also went to the fridge and grabbed three bottles of water. I put the bag in the big part of my backpack. Zipping up the backpack, I went outside to see my dad, who just got done loading up the Rhino in the back of the trailer. He climbed out of the trailer and walked up to me.

"I'm almost done, kid. Just let me pack up my bag and we'll go." Dad told me.

"Okay, I'm ready,"

I put my bag in the truck and walked back inside.

A half an hour later, my dad and I said goodbye to my mother and we got into the truck. We drove to the rendezvous point where the search party was starting. We were going to the picnic area and start there. There were trails for the Rhino and trucks that would be used during the search. I helped my dad unload the Rhino and I grabbed our bags. I put them in the flat bed of the Rhino and got into the passenger seat. Dad talked to the police and then got in.

"Ready?" he asked.

I nodded and he started to follow the party. I looked out into the forest, seeing if I could spot anyone. We were close to the top and there was still no luck. Dad stopped and let me out to stretch my legs. I grabbed a bag of chips and started to eat them. I put on my pack and walked around. Dad drove in front of me and I was behind the whole party. I always kept them in view.

I looked around and I spotted a cave. I noticed that no one looked in it. I took out my flashlight and turned it on. The beam wasn't the brightest, but I could see. I saw the search party, so I could catch up easily. I walked in and looked around. It was a decent size cave. Maybe Cassidy and Frisk came her for shelter. As I went deeper, I saw a glint of metal. I walked to it and I gasped. It was my sister's bracelet. The latch broke. She probably didn't know it fell off. I picked it up and took the charm and put it around my neck with my piece.

They had to be in here. I called out, "Cass! Frisk! It's me, Kelsi!"

I didn't hear anyone. I walked deeper and my light started to go out. I kept walking, but slower, so I could still feel what is under me. I hit something and tripped, but when I put my hands out to catch me from falling on my face, I kept falling.

I realized I was still falling, I yelled, "DAD!"

I landed with a soft thud. I opened my eyes and saw a yellow patch of flowers. I tried to get up, but my body didn't want to move. I tried again, but nothing. I felt tired. I looked around and I saw a white figure with a purple dress with red. I must be dying if I'm seeing things.

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