Chapter 5: Meeting Undyne

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"Human! You are alive!" I heard a voice yell.

I woke up with a start and fell off the couch and landed on the floor with an 'oph'. I groaned and rubbed my head. I looked up and saw Papyrus, smiling down at me. He had a plate of spaghetti. He handed me the plate.

"Here tall human! Breakfast spaghetti! Made by yours truly!"

I smiled and sat on the couch. I took the plate and started to eat it. It wasn't that bad. I looked at him and smiled, "This isn't half bad. Where did you learn to make it?"

"My friend, Undyne, taught me. I have a lesson with her later on this afternoon. You should come with me, human. It will be so fun!"

"I'll think about it. Besides, I think Sans wanted me to go to Grillby's with him."

He scoffed, "I can't stand that place. Too much grease."

I laughed, "Oh come on, Pap. It smelled good yesterday."

"Why do you have to be like Sans?"

I finished my breakfast and Papyrus took our plates to the kitchen. He came back to the living room and sat next to me.

"So, this Undyne? Will she try to kill me?"

"Maybe, she is head of the Royal Guard. Since you are my friend, she won't hurt you. Besides, we are making a big pot of spaghetti. We are having all our friends over for a large dinner party. And I, the Great Papyrus, invite you to join us and meet the others."

I got a little nervous, "I'll see, buddy."

"Buddy? I already got a nickname from my new human friend." Papyrus said, excitedly.

I smiled at him and he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. There was a rectangle shaped robot and it had a male voice. I was a little confused, so I asked Pap.

"That is Mettaton, the biggest star in the underground. He is so great, but not as great as me."

I sat back and watched as the robot talked so another monster. About an hour later, I looked at Papyrus, "Hey, what did the robot child call his father?"

"What? I didn't know a robot could have a kid."

I smiled and almost laughed, "The child calls their father, 'data'!"

He suddenly had eyes. He glared at me and I just laughed.

"OH MY GOD!" Papyrus yelled.

I then heard another laugh. I saw Sans on the railing, laughing really hard. "That kid is the best. Nice joke, Kelsi."

Papyrus stood up and said, "I'm going to see Undyne about the other two humans to find anything new about them and report back to get the human for my training with Undyne."

Sans looked at his bro, still laughing, "You are taking Kelsi with you to Undyne. Nice joke bro."

"I'm not joking, brother. I'm taking her with me."

Sobered, Sans rushed down the stairs and rested by the post, "Pap, that is not a great idea. She'll get killed."

"Not if she is a guest and a friend of mine. See you later brother, tall human." With that, he left.

I looked at Sans and he was watching me, "I should go with him you know. I can get a possible enemy off my back."

"Fine, but remember to act a certain way. You should be fine."

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